American is a Republic, not a democracy!

It's important to understand since the corrupt UNITED STATES INC corporation that was created in 1871 was created as a democracy. It's also important to understand that since our country has been running under this corrupt UNITED STATES INC corporation as a democracy since 1871 that everything that takes place in our courts and justice system and even in Congress and in our state legislatures is being run according to maritime law and the democratic form of government. This is why there have been so many laws created that either completely go around the original Constitution or completely contradict the original Constitution. It's important to understand this in regard to the process leading up to capturing your strawman.

Anyone who tries to argue with you that America was set up by the founders as a democracy, all you have to do is show them Article IV, Section 4 of The United States Constitution.

Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


The Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the [Republic] for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


The cornerstone of the United States' federal system is the guarantee of a Republican Form of Government to every State within the Union. This essential provision, enshrined in the Constitution, reflects the Founding Fathers' commitment to preserving the core principles and securing the nation's sovereignty. Additionally, the federal government has the responsibility to protect each state from external threats such as invasion and internal challenges like domestic violence.

A Republican Form of Government is characterized by the delegation of political power to elected representatives, accountable to the people they serve. This structure fosters the principles of individual liberty, popular sovereignty, and the rule of law. By ensuring that each state in the Union adopts and upholds this form of governance, the federal government aims to prevent the rise of tyrannical regimes or monarchies that undermine the fundamental rights of the people. The protection of this republican framework is vital to preserving the essence of the founding principles of America and the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

The United States, as a sovereign nation, must defend its territorial integrity and the security of its people from external threats. The guarantee to protect each state against invasion demonstrates the federal government's commitment to collective security and the preservation of national sovereignty. Throughout history, the United States has faced various challenges to its territorial integrity, and this constitutional provision serves as a bulwark against such dangers. By maintaining a strong military and diplomatic presence, the nation stands ready to deter potential aggressors and defend its borders if necessary.

The United States commitment to guaranteeing a Republican Form of Government and safeguarding states against invasion and domestic violence reflects the foundational principles upon which the nation was established. These constitutional provisions ensure that freedom, liberty, and unity endure, even in the face of adversity. As the world evolves, the preservation of these values remains essential to securing the future of the United States as a beacon of freedom and liberty. By upholding these principles, the nation can continue to thrive and inspire the world as a testament to the enduring strength of its institutions.


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