Black's Law Dictionary Definition of "Status"


Republic of 1776 = United States of America
Living "People" governed by Common Law (Law of The Land)
The sovereign America of 1776 (13 colonies)
Of the people, by the people, for the people


Democracy of 1871 = UNITED STATES INC.
"Persons" or "Vessels" governed by Maritime Law (Land of The Sea)
Corrupt corporation of 1871
Of the globalist bankers, by the globalist bankers, for the globalist bankers

The keyword in this article is "People" vs "Persons"...

And pay attention to the words & terms in regard to "status":



Black's Law Dictionary Definition of Status...

The status of a "person" is his legal position or condition. Thus, when we say that the status of a woman after a decree nisi for the dissolution of her marriage with her husband has been made, but before it has been made absolute, is that of a married woman, we mean that she has the same legal rights, liabilities, and disabilities as an ordinary married woman. The term is chiefly applied to "persons" under disability, or "persons" who have some peculiar condition which prevents the general law from applying to them in the same way as it does to ordinary "persons". Sweet. See Barney v. Tourtellotte, 138 Mass. 108; De la Montanya v. De la Montanya, 112 Cal. 115. 44 Pac. 345, 32 L. R. A. 82, 53 Am. St. Rep. 105; Dunham v. Dunham, 57 111. App. 407. There are certain rights and duties, with certain capacities and incapacities to take rights and incur duties, by which "persons", as subjects of law, are variously determined to certain classes. The rights, duties, capacities, or incapacities which determine a given "person" to any of these classes, constitute a condition or status with which the "person" is invested. Aust. Jur.


The concept of "status" in legal terminology plays a crucial role in defining a "persons" legal rights, responsibilities, and social position within a given society. Black’s Law Dictionary, provides a comprehensive definition of status that encompasses various legal and social dimensions.

Black’s Law Dictionary defines "status" as the legal position or condition of a "person", with respect to their legal rights, duties, and capacities. It also encompasses the "persons" social standing and personal attributes that influence their rights and obligations. In essence, status refers to a "persons" recognized legal position in society, which is often categorized based on various factors, such as age, gender, marital status, citizenship, and more.

Legal Meanings and Implications of Status:

Civil Rights: The legal status of a "person" determines the civil rights they are entitled to. For instance, a "persons" status as a citizen or non-citizen affects their access to fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process.

Family Law: Status plays a pivotal role in family law matters, including marital status, parental rights, and adoption. Marital status influences the rights and responsibilities of spouses, such as property ownership, spousal support, and inheritance rights.

Criminal Law: A "persons" legal status can impact their criminal liability and punishment. Juveniles, for example, often receive different legal treatment compared to adults due to their status as minors.

Immigration Law: Immigration status determines a "persons" right to "reside" and work in a particular country. Different statuses, such as visas or permanent residency, confer varying degrees of rights and obligations.

Contractual Capacity: The legal capacity to enter into contracts is influenced by one's status. Minors and a "person" with mental incapacities may have limited capacity to enter into enforceable contracts.

Employment Rights: Employment status affects a "persons" "entitlements" under labor laws, including minimum wage, overtime pay, and benefits. Employees may have distinct rights compared to independent contractors or freelancers.

Property Rights: The legal status of ownership affects a "persons" property rights and responsibilities. Property ownership can be influenced by factors such as "citizenship" and marital status.

Taxation: Tax obligations and benefits are often tied to a "persons" status, such as whether they are single, married, or have dependents.

Changes in a "persons" legal status can have far-reaching legal consequences. Marriage, divorce, naturalization, and birth of a child are examples of events that can alter a "persons" legal status and subsequently impact their rights and responsibilities. These changes can influence matters ranging from inheritance to taxation.


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