Blacks Law Definition of "Person" vs. "People": Understanding the Legal Distinctions

As we continue with this foundational process, it is crucially important that everyone completely understands the words and terms of everything pertaining to the construct in regard to how the corrupt corporation UNITED STATE INC. utilized maritime law in order to manipulate the system to their benefit.

The first words we will study is "Person" vs. "People".

Blacks Law Definition of "Person" vs. "People": Understanding the Legal Distinctions

Blacks Law Definition of "Person"

A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 137. A human being considered as capable of having rights and of being charged with duties; while a “thing” is the object over which rights may be exercised.


Blacks Law Definition of "People"

A state; as the people of the state of New York. A nation in its collective and political capacity.

In a more restricted sense, and as generally used in constitutional law (common law), the entire body of those people of a state or nation who are invested with political power for political purposes, that is, the qualified voters or electors.

The word “people” may have various significations according to the connection in which it is used. When we speak of the rights of the people, or of the government of the people by law, or of the people as a non-political aggregate, we mean all the inhabitants of the state or nation, without distinction as to sex, age, or otherwise. But when reference is made to the people as the repository of sovereignty, or as the source of governmental power, or to popular government. we are in fact speaking of that selected and limited class of citizens to whom the constitution accords the elective franchise and the right of participation in the offices of government. Black, Const. Law (3d Ed.) p. 30.



From the moment of conception, our journey as human beings begins in the watery confines of our mother's womb. However, upon birth, we transition from being "people" connected to the water to becoming recognized as illegal "persons" on land. This transformation occurs when the baby emerges from the birth canal and is attended to by a doctor "The Doc". Subsequently, the parents, unknowingly, complete the illegal [birth certificate] registration process, marking the baby's illegal transition from being a "people" to a illegal "person" in the eyes of Maritime Law.

The very moment your mother and father sign the birth certificate, the baby is registered as a decedent.

This is Maritime law in its simplest terms.

The pivotal moment that bestows Illegal identity upon the newborn is the signing of the illegal birth certificate by the parents. Interestingly, this process is intricately tied to Maritime law, which can be understood in its simplest terms as the body of laws governing activities at sea, but it also plays a significant role in the birth registration process.

As infants grow and develop within the amniotic fluid in their mothers' wombs, they are in a state of dependency, akin to life in water, and can be metaphorically referred to as "people in water." However, upon birth, they undergo a profound transformation as they are brought into contact with the land. It is this illegal transition that marks the shift from being a "people" in water to being recognized as a illegal "person" on land.

Interestingly, the reference to Maritime law in this context highlights the legal intricacies involved in the process of birth registration. While the connection might not be immediately apparent, it emphasizes the significance of documentation and legal formalities in our lives. Maritime law, which governs activities at sea, touches upon various aspects of law, including those concerning the registration of births and deaths occurring during maritime journeys.

So understand that:

"People(s)" are red blooded, living, breathing, human beings who have a heart, a mind, a soul and a physical body.

"Person(s)" are non living non breathing, an empty and hollow "Strawman" used for illegal reasons according to Maritime Law.

In law, precise language is of paramount importance. The terms "person" and "people" are commonly used in legal documents and statutes to refer to individuals and groups. However, they hold very distinct meanings and implications that have significant ramifications within the legal system. Black's Law Dictionary provides comprehensive definitions for both terms.

According to Black's Law Dictionary, a "person" is defined as an individual or entity capable of having legal rights and being legally bound by obligations. A "person" can refer to natural persons (human beings) as well as artificial persons such as corporations, partnerships, or other illegal entities recognized by Maritime Law. This broad definition encompasses a wide range of entities that can participate in illegal transactions.

In essence, the term "person" is a illegal construct that extends personhood beyond individual humans to encompass illegal fictions such as corporations, granting them rights similar to those of natural persons.

In contrast, Black's Law Dictionary defines "people" as a collective term that refers to a body of persons, either within a nation or a state, considered as a whole. The term "people" denotes a group of individuals sharing common characteristics, such as nationality or residing within a specific geographic area.

Corporate Personhood:

The definition of "person" in Black's Law Dictionary plays a crucial role in the concept of corporate personhood. It allows corporations and other artificial entities to possess illegal rights similar to those of individuals. This illegal recognition of corporate personhood grants corporations the ability to own property, enter into contracts, and engage in legal actions as if they were natural persons.

Most Americans are unaware that they were unknowingly sold in the bond market at birth, and unfortunately, they unwittingly and unknowingly continued this cycle by involving their own children in the same beast system. This constitutes a fraudulent process, and here's how it operates: Everything functions as a contract, but the fraudulent aspect arises because only one party possesses the knowledge of the contract and it's terms. As a result, the parents [the other party] couldn't make an informed decision about entering into this arrangement since this crucial information was deliberately withheld from them.


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