Empowering The American People: Reclaiming Sovereignty by Taking Control of Your Strawman

Taking control of your strawman is one of several ways we can take back our country. By correcting your status, or taking control of your strawman, you will be stopping the corrupt corporation UNITED STATES INC. from making money from your strawman which is basically your UNITED STATES INC owned and controlled corporate entity that was created illegally in your name when you were born. The more people who stand up and take control of their strawman the less money the corrupt corporation UNITED STATES INC. will be able to make. We can literally hit them where it hurts, in their finances.

One of the lesser-known but methods of regaining control over personal sovereignty is by understanding and taking charge of one's strawman. It's very important to understand the concept of the strawman, its connection to the corporate entity UNITED STATES INC., and how empowering individuals to correct their status can potentially challenge the undue financial influence of this entity, contributing to a broader effort to reclaim our country.

A strawman refers to a legal fiction created at birth, wherein individuals' names are registered as corporate entities without their knowledge or consent. This occured within the UNITED STATES INC. and the result was people unknowingly become participants in a system they never intended to join. By Americans recognizing the existence of their strawman, they can embark on a journey to assert their true identities and regain control over their lives.

The corporate entity UNITED STATES INC. is and has been running operating parallel to the official US government since 1871, this corporation exploits the strawman's legal status to generate profits and exert control over people. By actively taking control of the strawman, individuals have the potential to disrupt the financial gains of UNITED STATES INC., thereby challenging its exploitative practices.

Taking control of one's strawman begins with correcting one's legal status. This process involves recognizing oneself as a living, breathing individual, separate from the corporate entity associated with the strawman. By asserting one's true identity, individuals can seek to rectify the illegitimate creation of their strawman and reclaim their natural rights as sovereign beings. When more people proactively take control of their strawman, they collectively diminish the financial influence of UNITED STATES INC. The potential repercussions of this action could have far-reaching positive effects, challenging the exploitation and manipulation by corporate entities, and shifting the balance of power back to We The People.

Uniting together to address the issue of the strawman and its connection to corporate influence can be a potent force for change. Advocacy groups, grassroots movements, and legal initiatives can be instrumental in raising awareness about the strawman concept and encouraging people to reclaim their sovereignty. By standing in solidarity, individuals can amplify their voices and collectively work towards restoring the integrity of their identities and our country.

Taking control of one's strawman represents more than just a financial action; it symbolizes a paradigm shift towards a society where individual rights and liberties are respected and protected. By recognizing the significance of personal sovereignty, people can contribute to building a nation that thrives on transparency, accountability, and fairness, fostering a stronger sense of community and trust in the system.

The concept of taking control of one's strawman presents an intriguing pathway towards reclaiming personal sovereignty and challenging the financial influence of corporate entities like UNITED STATES INC. By correcting one's status and asserting their true identity, individuals can play a part in a broader movement to restore power to the people. As more people become aware of this concept and stand united, we move closer to creating a country that reflects the values of justice, equity, and individual empowerment.


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