Intelligent Knowledge and Understanding - Article 6


Another thing to think about that will really open your eyes about your strawman in regards to voting. People who voted before 1871 [Act of 1871] voted as American "people", not as "Citizens". The word Citizen only identifies your strawman JOHN DOE or JANE DOE "person(s)" or "vessel(s)". And not living and breathing individuals, John Doe or Jane Doe "People".

We all know that in order to vote we need to register, and when you register there are some documents that you need to provide like your driver's license, your proof of your residence, etc.

So in regard to voter registration your driver's license has your name all in capital letters, which does not identify you as a living breathing individual, it only identifies your strawman as a "person" or "vessel".

The same thing with your proof of residence whether you use a bank statement or a utility bill they all have your name and capital letters so again those documents do not identify you as a living breathing individual but rather an identifies your strawman.

So when you register to vote if you have to use these so-called [legal documents] that do not identify you as a living breathing individual, but rather an identifies your strawman, then we have to ask the question who is voting when you go to the polls and in what regard does that vote count.

It's also important to know and understand that according to the original Constitution [for] The United States of America [Republic of 1776], an individual did not have to register to vote, the voter registration process is all part of the corrupt corporation United States Inc.

So if you as a living and breathing individual go to your polling place to vote, but your voter registration does not identify you as a living breathing individual but rather your strawman, how does your actual vote really count?

The answer is it doesn't, it's important that you understand that your voter registration is literally registering your legal fiction as a person known as your strawman. And since your straw man can't think he can't see he can't talk he can't hear he can't think who do you think goes to the polling station to vote for your strawman? You do as a living breathing individual just in the same way they use you for everything else from income tax to all the fees you pay for your driver's license, your car registration, and car insurance. They are actually using your legal fiction known as your strawman to collect these fees but you the actual living breathing individual are the one who is actually paying out of your pocket with your hard-earned money.

It's also very important to understand that they, as in the corrupt corporation United States Inc. (Act of 1871) use your legal fiction known as your strawman, your name in all capital letters (JOHN DOE) to make money, (income taxes, on both the state and federal level (IRS) driver's license fees, car registration fees (DMV), car insurance and even your so-called social security (SSA) that most of us will most likely never see when we reach the age to receive it. Do you ever wonder why they continue to increase the age over time? They use your strawman as a "person" or "vessel" because they know that they can't use you as a living and breathing individual because these laws that they have passed are only apply to maritime law and they are indeed unconstitutional according to our original Constitution [for] The United States of America [Republic of 1776] written by our Founding Fathers.

This is one of many reasons why it's important to capture your strawman, so that they, the corrupt corporation known as UNITED STATES INC can no longer use your strawman to [S]elect the people they want to run the government. Just as it is equally important to capture your strawman so that they cannot use your strawman as a way to fund the corrupt corporation known as the UNITED STATES INC.

Once you fully understand the whole corrupt and fraudulent strawman concept, and start the process to capture your strawman the sooner we can literally defund the corrupt corporation and we can stop them from [S]electing people and putting them in place to run this corrupt corporation.

This should cause you to really realize and understand what's going on and what has been going on ever since 1871.


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