Intelligent Knowledge and Understanding - Article XII


REDEMPTION is deliverance from the power for ALIEN dominion and the Enjoyment for resulting FREEDOM. It involves the idea of RESTORATION for one who possesses a more fundamental right for interest. The best example for REDEMPTION in the Old Testament was the DELIVERANCE for the Children for Israel from BONDAGE from the dominion for the ALIEN POWER FOR ISRAEL.

FROM: The Expanded Vines Expository Dictionary for New Testament Words seems it supports Zondervan with this definition for: REDEMPTION:

. ............(a) in the natural sense for delivering, Luke 24:2 1, for setting Israel FREE from the ROMAN yoke.


In reference for the United States is Capturing the "STRAWMAN"-the transmitting utility from the Natural Living Soul for the CORPORATION or COMMERCIAL-a third party using a STATE birth certificate, with an all CAPITAL NAME, a FICTION, appearing as your name given at birth-with you, the natural person, as the Pledge for your "ENERGY" and Surety for any "CHARGE" made against the "STRAWMAN".

FREEDOM comes with the filing the UCC I "CLAIM" against the "STRAWMAN" and the subsequent ACCEPTANCE for VALUE for the STATE birth certificate for the Governor in the various STATES for the UNION, thereby making him/her the SURETY and GUARANTOR for any action against the "STRAWMAN".


Long before the states United of America was formed, a conspiracy of SLAVERY has always been forced upon men by other men thinking that they can live and tell other people how to live, when they cannot even live their lives in freedom. For with the subjection of others to SLAVERY, the SLAVE MASTER becomes the SLAVE to the very people they ENSLAVE. The object is Power through "Money", an illusion. If everyone works and pays another, who does not work, part of what they earn through taxation, the SLAVE MASTER becomes very "Rich" in Power and "Money”-an illusion, all people come into this world with nothing and they leave with nothing.

Man was made to be FREE-subject only to his creator and the rights of all men on this earth. To restrict the rights of another-restricts the rights you have. Give total FREEDOM to others in your actions toward them and you in turn enjoy FREEDOM as it was given to each of us. When we are critical of others in the way they are living-we are in bondage to that person. Any act done to another person or their property restricts your rights by restricting your peace and joy on this earth.

Our story begins in the 13 Colonies with the forming of the united States. The mechanism was already in place to bring forward the deceit of Lies that have plagued man since the beginning. The illumined ones chose May 1, 1776 as their day of birth in the united States of America. This statement was made in 1782, "This Nation that is now being formed, 200 years from now will bring in the One World Government and the seat will be England. The very men who are given credit for the founding documents, in a large part (not all), sent here by King George through loans from him, or simply with the intent to once again let men think they were FREE, when in reality the country was already being prepared for subjection by the state. All but six of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were dragged from their homes in the middle of the night and brutally murdered. Such is the price of FREEDOM.

What we know as "The Constitution" was written and presented to the colonies as a "DECLARATION”. A Declaration cannot be Amended. The British Accredited Regency (the BAR) located in New York, changed it into a Constitution, much like the Books of the Bible were changed into Chapters and Verses. It makes it easy to argue and change or amend. The people were taught to change it from "The Constitution" back into the "DECLARATION" and vice versa. There were 18 copies of the original-but as each were located in the archives of Law Libraries, the Libraries were burn to the ground. The practice of converting and reconverting continued through the "Civil War" and then stopped.

In 1871, the D.C. CORPORATION was formed outside the Constitution and put into operation. Then through the "money" manipulation in the early 1900's and especially 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Bank Act-a Private Banking System, which created a CENTRAL BANK for the nation, these men worked their behind the scenes trickery, (the Wizard of Oz), the. 1929 "Crash " of the stock market by draining the "Money" out of the System, and the subsequent "GREAT DEPRESSION”.

With the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, March 9, 1933, the "Trading With the Enemies Act", part of this deceit of Lies came into being. When the government took all of the Gold from the people and made it a Crime to own (or hoard) Gold-the people of the united States of America lost their "Money "-- their ability to pay a debt-and they lost their Law, for it is with the ability of People to pay their debts with "Money" that their power to establish laws comes from “HE WHO OWNS THE GOLD-RULES and establishes the LAW”. At the same time, the Government declared all Property in the united States as belonging to the government and was to be used for the good of the government.

They were speaking in a "FEDERAL” sense-the people thought they were talking to the forty-eight states. Only the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT went "BANKRUPT" not the forty eight states. The "FEDERAL CORPORATION" was now brought from under the covers and everyone was convinced that the answer was here.

The "Deceit" presented to the American People was now in full force. The governors of the 48 states of the united States all gathered at a Meeting with the BIRTH CERTIFICATES of all the citizens of their states in hand and pledged the energy behind the stocks, bonds, and notes created by the Federal Government who then sold them to the Federal Reserve Bank and at the same time place like "Dollars" of Federal Reserve Notes to insure the payment of the stocks, bonds, and notes. The problem was, the people could not pay a "DEBT" with a "DEBT", Federal Reserve Notes, without the Permission or Consent by Assent of the People. The deceit was "HOW" do you get people to consent to put a "DEBT" instrument against their property or assets. By creating a "DEMOCRACY" form of government-in simple terms is nothing more than a COMMERCIAL, CORPORATE, CONTRACT form of government, which cannot do anything but create “DEBT". They then could not take the "REPUBLICAN” form of government away-they had to have a way to pay their "DEBTS”. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 192 passed June 5, 1933 took care of the matter. The People were to be ruled by Public Policy-which is Common Law-or anything that is established that the people will accept. HJR 192-June 5, 1933 established the Public Policy for the "Money" that the People now did not have. (1) The government would pay the "DEBTS" of the people - DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. This would be done with Credit and the only people who could issue Credit was the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM. (2) The people were to be given Preferred Stock in this FEDERAL CORPORATION. (3) The people were to be given a Prepaid account in this FEDERAL CORPORATION. (4) The people were the "Holders in due course” of this FEDERAL CORPORATION. (5) The people were to be "Exempt from Levy".

The people were then created into CORPORATIONS or FICTIONS through the Birth Certificates, Social Security Numbers, and Voting Registration. Through these fictions, the Stocks, Notes, Bonds were created. The Credit to pay the "DEBTS” would be established by the Signature of the People-“Money" created out of thin air. The Bank never loans "Money"-only Credit. Since "Federal Reserve Notes” are "DEBT NOTES" they are a LIABILITY to the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS. The Deceit of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and their AGENTS (ALL CORPORATIONS)(ONLY A CORPORATION CREATES DEBT-it is a FICTION) (an ILLUSION) is to get the people to allow them to place FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES against their assets without directly saying so---for it is a FELONY for anyone to Request or Accept FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES in payment of a "DEBT”. YOU CANNOT PAY A "DEBT" WITH A "DEBT".

With the passage of the Social Security Act, the real deceit began. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT would now take care of you from the Cradle to the Grave. The SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION was created as a "TRUST". The people apply for a SOCIAL SECURITY CARD NUMBER and the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION then as GRANTOR establishes each person as a "TRUST” or FICTION or CORPORATION-the name is CAPITALIZED such as JACK R PATRIOT is placed into the "TRUST” with the natural person, Jack Rabbit: Patriot as the Trustee. ALL TRUSTS or CORPORATIONS report to the Internal Revenue Service through a Form 1041. We as Trustees are told to file a Form 1040 as a Federal Employee and are charged Income Tax. We should be filling out the Form 1041 and no tax is paid or owed-remember we are Tax Exempt. All of the people were now held by Power of Attorney in the Bar.

In or about 1938, a ruling on "Erie" Railroad vs. Tompkins changed forever the American "Justice" system. Simply stated-"Without a Contract-there is No Case". CONTRACTS became the sole basis in the "FEDERAL" CORPORATION System and the Court System. AS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS COMMERCIAL-they deal in CONTRACTS. All cases in the courts are viewed as "Contracts".

In or about 1939, the BAR ACT was established in all the states and all Attorneys, Esquires, Lawyers, Counselors had to join the BAR, get a number in order to practice before the Courts. They do not have a License-for to do so would subject them to the State giving the License. The State government is the only one who can License-not the BAR or the Supreme Court of the various states. An attorney lies when he/she tells you that they have a License to Practice Law for the document hanging on their wall says "Certificate".

In 1946 another monumental change came about with the entire American System of government, when a 4th Branch of government was established with the passage of the FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT and every CORPORATION, which now includes all CITIES, TOWNS, SCHOOL DISTRICTS, ETC., now set is own Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes and Procedures. As Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes, Procedures are not Law, they can change at the whim of the Administrator of the Agency.- sic - so long as they do not violate the Constitution of the United States. These are simply BAR Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes, Procedures since the President of the BAR of New York has signed off on all of these Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes, Procedures since 1926.

In and around 1970-71-72-73, everything changed in the Court System. The Charge and intent came together and a person could no longer plead Innocent, because he had to prove that he did not intend to do something-which is impossible. You now could only plead Guilty, Not Guilty, or No Contest. At the same time all the courts were brought into one court-and they became Administrative/Admiralty and Civil-meaning Commercial/Contracts. We are brought into the courts and when we plead we have admitted that we understand the charge against us and the system comes down upon us. The people can never have a charge brought against them-only a claim-but the instant you say Guilty, Not Guilty, or No Contest-you accept the charge. Our courts are Common Law and our Law is established in the county you live in for the County is your seat of government. You establish your case through Affidavits and enter them into the county record which becomes Public Policy concerning your Case. You wait 30 days and if the Affidavit is not REBUTTED you enter a Default into the County Records, make out an order for the County Judge and have him/her to enforce your Judgment.

The government officials are called "Constitutors", which means anyone who swears an oath to pay the "DEBT" of another. The government has been putting their Obligation to pay our "DEBTS" back on us, THERE BY, the ACCEPTANCE for VALVE. Read this again and again-File your Power of Attorney in Fact to gain your standing in the Law, File your Trademark/Copyright to make Attorneys pay who would violate your statement, File your UCC I claim on the "STRAWMANS" Assets and Study the REDEMPTION PROCESS and you will not only gain your FREEDOM-you will KNOW you are FREE!

GOVERNMENT: TO FOREVER REMAIN INVIOLATE. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein delegated, we declare that everything in this "Bill of Rights" is accepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void Texas Constitution 1836. The Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution has never changed--they CANNOT. The Land will FOREVER remain with the People. How long is FOREVER? The last line on ALL the PATENTS on the land of Texas states, The State of Texas relinquishes all hold on this LAND FOREVER and was signed by the then governor. How long is FOREVER?

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