Intelligent Knowledge and Understanding - Article XVIII

The real purpose for the "Black's Law Dictionary"

NOTE: The reason we reference the Black's Law Dictionary is so that we can show you the actual words and terms they are using to identify your legal fiction "person" known as your strawman to push all these unconstitutional laws and rules on your strawman and not living breathing individuals "people". We are literally using their own law dictionary against them to expose their scheme and their true intentions by using Maritime Law according to the democracy of 1871 to keep Americans enslaved by their corrupt system to utilize our strawman to get wealthy off of us.

The Black's Law Dictionary ought to be called The "Blacks Maritime Law Dictionary" because every word and term written in the Black's law dictionary is in accordance to maritime law and not common law.

The individuals who wrote this dictionary and it subsequent versions know full well that the words they are writing are in accordance to maritime law which is the land of the sea and not common law which is the law of the land.

But of course they won't come right out and tell you this because quite honestly they don't want people to know.

So it's very important that you understand this foundational principle that the Black's law dictionary was not written with the best interest of the people but rather for the best interest of our legal fiction known as a "person" or a "vessel" or are strawman.

The reason it's very important to fully understand and comprehend this foundational principle that the blacks law dictionary is not in our best interest it's so that you can see the vast differences between maritime law which is the land of the sea and common law which is the law of the land.

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