Now that it has been two full weeks since we launched this group, you can clearly see the quality and the caliber of the information we are sharing. We are sharing and will continue sharing information that will have a profound impact on your life and it will cause lasting change on you, your family and our nation if you choose to apply the information we are sharing in your life.

We have not asked for a single penny nor will we ever ask for money, we are not sharing or promoting links to invest in any type of crypto or any other type of currency. It's not about money for us, it's about sharing the truth so that people can be informed.

We have been called to a mission to bring the information we are sharing to the people, to educate them, to lead them, and to guide them through this process.

When we were called to this mission we had a choice to either obey God or disobey God and obviously we chose to obey Him and that's why we are here today and that's why we are sharing the information we share every single day.

We are doing our part and we will continue to do our part until this mission is complete. But we are only one half of this mission we need you the people who want to learn and apply what you learn in your lives to step up and do your part and together that's how we win and take our country back.

As I have said many times before, it's not President Trump's job to save America, and President Trump won't be the man to save America. However President Trump is and has been doing his part and he will continue to do his part until his mission is done. He needs we the people to stand up and do our part. That is how together we win this war it's not about President Trump saving America while 70% of Americans sit on their couch and go about their daily lives, that's not how this works. President Trump needs all of us, and when I say all of us I'm talking like 80% of the people that stand up and do their part and this process that we are showing you is part one of a two-part process that we all need to do in order to do our part.

Yes there is other things we can do like getting involved locally in our communities and I certainly support that, but the way that we make a huge impact on our adversaries is by defunding them and putting them out of business. And as I have said getting involved locally in your community is great but it's not the overall solution. We need to defund these people when I say these people I'm talking about the corrupt corporation known as the UNITED STATES INC also know as the deep state globalists or elites.

The more people that step up and do this process the more money we take away from the corrupt corporation and the more money we take from them the closer we get to completely defunding them and putting them out of business forever.

So let's continue to work together to make a real and lasting change not only for our lives now but also for our children, grandchildren and many generations to come.


NOTE: If you would like to comment or join the active discussion on this post please visit the link below to join 1350 group on American Patriot Social.

