The Revolution to Reclaim Our Country

It's very important to know that we have now reached a period of time in America where those of us who are awake and ready to stand up and take our country back need to take action.

We have entered into a new season and as the days, weeks, and months pass by, it will get more and more intense. For those of us who are awake and aware we are past the time of focusing on election fraud, Covid, the jab, and Ukraine/Russia etc.

We need to focus on two things moving forward in order to take our country back.


Step 1 is capture our strawman, which basically means canceling the illegal contract that was used with our fraudulent [birth certificate], acquiring our [live birth record] which is the legal record of our birth. And #2 becoming American State Nationals, which essentially removes us from the jurisdiction of the corrupt corporate construct known as UNITED STATES INC. So they can no long make money off us and use us as collateral. And once enough Americans capture their strawman it will have a HUGE negative impact of the finances of the corrupt corporation known as UNITED STATES INC. Without our strawman they can't conduct commerce in the corrupt corporate construct any longer. So when enough of us capture our strawman we can actually bankrupt and defund the corrupt corporation known as UNITED STATES INC.


Step 2 is becoming an American State National, which essentially removes us from the jurisdiction of the corrupt corporate construct known as UNITED STATES INC.

The time for dwelling on issues like election fraud, Covid-19, vaccination debates, and geopolitical conflicts like Ukraine and Russia has passed for those who are awake and aware.

Instead, the focus should be redirected toward two crucial steps mentioned above. This transformation will be an indicator of who truly grasps the urgency of the situation and is prepared to take action.

It is crucial to comprehend that the motivations driving entities like the Rothschild family have always been centered around money, power, and control. In the world's system, these three factors intertwine, granting unparalleled influence over various facets of society. The present state of America can largely be attributed to these forces. Thus, understanding this aspect is crucial in the pursuit of reclaiming our nation.

The information we are providing in the 1350 group represents a significant aspect of the Great Awakening. The knowledge that is being revealed poses a threat to those in power, as it has the potential to affect them financially. Consequently, they strive to suppress such information from reaching the masses. Embracing this awakening is essential in driving change and securing a better future for America.

Progress cannot be achieved by engaging in court cases and lawsuits within their corrupt legal system. To reclaim our country effectively, collective action must take place outside of this compromised construct. Instead, focusing on common law principles will enable a genuine restoration of justice and accountability.

And please know that our team is here to help you and guide you along this transformative journey, you are not alone. Our team is available to provide guidance and assistance throughout the process. We will show you from the ground up how the process is done all the way from the beginning to the end. From understanding the foundational principles of law to the nitty-gritty details of the universal commercial code, to what your strawman is and how to capture it, our team aims to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and tools to navigate this path successfully. We will start with the blacks law dictionary and all the terms and words that you need to know and understand to move forward in this process.

The revolution to reclaim our country is unparalleled in the history of America. We are looking for people who are awake, aware, and prepared to take a stand to be a part of the greatest revolution to take our country back in the history of America. Sitting idly and hoping for a savior will not bring about the desired change. Instead, active participation is required to shape a brighter future for our nation.

Notice! If you think you can sit on your couch and do nothing while waiting for President Trump to come back to save our country, this is certainly not the place for you. President Trump is counting on those who are awake, aware, and prepared to take action and complete these two VERY important steps.


NOTE: If you are not a member of American Patriot Social and would like to join, please visit the link below.
