The United States of America is not and never has been a democracy it has always been a Republic ever since it's founding in 1776. However in 1871 a small group of cowards knows as elite international bankers created a hoax known as UNITED STATES INC, a corrupt corporation was created as a way to enslave Americans for decades. Not only did these thugs hijack our sovereign Republic of 1776, they also hijacked the original constitution. They left some of the original writing, removed what went against their evil agenda, and added words to support and uphold their evil agenda. The original constitution of 1787 was The Constitution [for] The United States of America. The fake and fraudulent version of the constitution edited by the elite international bankers was The Constitution [of] The United States of America. Only one word was changed in the title to trick Americans for decades. And that was not the end of their corruption, in 1913 they even went as far as to create a financial system knows as central banks all connected to the corrupt federal reserve which is a private corporation. They created what is known as the Federal Reserve Act. They used this act as a way to start printing Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) that are nothing but paper monopoly money. To makes matters worse, as part of the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve started to loan it's Federal Reserve Notes to the government for interest paid for by the American people.

And it gets even worse, as evil and greedy cowards as they are, they figured out a way to enslave the American people even more and make even more money off the American people. They started what is know as the BIRTH CERTIFICATE scam. See when they hijacked our Republic of 1776, and started a "democracy", they also utilized what is know as maritime/admiralty law which is the law of the sea. It's important to know that maritime/admiralty law only deal with commercial commerce on the sea. Note: Our Republic of 1776 is governed by Common Law (the law of the land). So they came up with the idea to classify new born babies as "cargo" as before a baby is born the baby is in water. When the water breaks the baby goes down the birth "canal", when the baby or as they view it "cargo" reached the dock "doctor" much like "cargo" on a ship the baby is berthed. At that time, the "cargo" needs to be manifested, unknowingly the parents sign what they believe is an official document of their Child's birth when in fact is it an illegal contract being signed known as a birth certificate bond that makes the baby actual collateral "cargo" in the commercial commerce arena. At that time what is known as a legal fiction "strawman" is created as a result of the illegal contract/birth certificate bond with the babies name all in CAPS BABY JOHN DOE or BABY JANE DOE. Then a corporation is created using this legal fiction "strawman" as collateral to fund the corporation which is then publicly traded on the stock market. This is why every legal document you have your name is all in CAPS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, DRIVERS LICENSE, VOTER REGISTRATION. It's all a scam to enslave the American people. It's VERY important to note that your "real" and "official document of your birth is called a "Certificate of Live Birth" and it has your name listed like this "John Doe" or "Jane Doe", note the name is not all in caps. I could go on and on but people need to know the truth about this massive scam to enslave the American people!



Below are the steps to follow in order to learn and understand the Strawman Redemption Process (SRP) that we are educating people on so that we can all reclaim our freedom and sovereignty in order to take our country back!

Please follow these steps in this order:

Go To:

STEP 1: Take time to read all the introduction articles.

STEP 2: Take time to watch all the videos, (not all in one day unless you really want to).

STEP 3: Take time to read all the articles.

STEP 4: Take time to read all the IKU articles. (Check back often for updates)

STEP 5: Take time to read all "Understand Your Path To Freedom" articles.

STEP 6: Take time to read all the Proof That There Is A "Straw Man" articles. (Check back often for updates)

STEP 7: Take time to read all the "Strawman Redemption Process" articles. (Check back often for updates)


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