U.S. Postal Service or the post office?
You may want to get rid of your mailbox and take the numbers off your house. These signify a “commercial address” and not your location as a Good and Lawful Christian Man or Woman. Since 1863, the military took over control of what once was the Post Office. General delivery was the only form of mail prior to that time was common to all people. The current U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is in effect today as a corporation under military rule that services only the commercial persona in the field of military occupation. However, the common law post office still exists and general delivery has never been abolished, just hidden. This is why it is imperative that all Christians call for their mail in general delivery at the post office and no longer accept commercial free delivery by the USPS.
Let’s first get it straight that the god ruling our governments today is the god of commerce, Mercurius. You may know him as Mercury. He is the god of profit and gain, and his fellow god Mars, the god of war protects Mercury’s interest. They were around when Jesus was taken up to a high mountain by the prince and ruler of this world, the boss and king of Mars and Mercury. Our Lord was shown all the worldly nations. The prince of this world tempted Jesus with these nations by saying “I will give you all this power along with their glory because they have been given to me and to whom-so-ever I wish to give them to. If you’ll worship me, all of this will be yours”! Quite a bribe. But Jesus told him get behind me Satan! It’s written that you must worship the Lord your God and only Him will you serve [See Luke 4; 5-8]. As God’s great fallen angel, the worldly prince knew this well.
Residents, Bar attorneys, individuals, natural persons, persons, corporations, homeowners, homesteaders, officers, trusts, taxpayers, partnerships, directors, IRS 501(c)3 Churches and citizens (all these names are Federal and State statute or administrative code defined “fictional entities”) are addressed by number and street name or P.O. Box. These terms do not represent the Good and Lawful Christian Man or Woman. You are none of these fictional names in commerce, but once you accept free delivery at an address, you have voluntarily taken on the commercial name or persona addressed in the letter.
General delivery to “transients” or sojourners has never been altered or changed since Lincoln’s War. In common Law, general delivery is a vested right that cannot be denied to a Christian as long as he is operating outside of commercial free delivery. You cannot be in common law and commercial statute law at the same time. The Non-commercial side of the Post Office still exists as general delivery where one calls for his first class mail rather than accepting commercial delivery at an address.
Lincoln instituted commercial free delivery on July 1, 1863. Prior to this time, postal matter was ‘picked up’ or ‘called for’ by a ‘patron’ at his local post office. Notice that ‘customers’ did not call for their mail as a customer is a fictional commercial vendee of the vender, the USPS. When you receive mail by free delivery at your mailbox you are a commercial customer by implied contract. When you accept free delivery you accept the ‘benefit’ of a commercial venue in contract. A Christian cannot be under contract of commercial benefit at the same time he claims to be under the Covenant of God.
According to The Postal Laws and Regulations of 1932, letters delivered free on post routes are defined as commercial.
“gas, electric, water and tax bills or other statements of accounts, orders for merchandise, etc.”
It’s lawfully correct to conclude from this that free delivery is only made through a delivery route and that all free delivered letters on this route are commercial taxes and commercial merchandise. This means that all those who receive their mail at an address or a mailbox are those who are in contract to pay government debt or other debts.
General delivery is intended for use primarily at: c. Any post office to serve transients and customers not permanently located. The Post Office Domestic Mail Manual at D930, 1.1. The key words are transients and location. Notice this does not say addressee or address which are considered commercial terms. As a sojourner in the land of The Lord, you are a transient. The land shall not be sold forever; for the land is Mine; for ye Are strangers and sojourners with me. Leviticus 25:23
From 1932 until today, the U. S. Postal Service Regulations only restrict residents, persons and customers. A Christian is a sojourner or transient and there are no restrictions concerning the same. This is why calling for your mail in general delivery is still recognized in common law and is a traditionally vested right that has never been altered amended or changed by statute code or regulation.
To maintain and declare your Christian Common Law jurisdiction, it is mandatory that you remove yourself from commercial free delivery; Remove the mailbox and identification numbers signifying your commercial address; and advise all who wish to send you first class matter to do so as follows:
Brother Jon Elias
the ecclesia at Wayne
to be called for in general delivery
Wayne post office
Wayne, Georgia state
[Other publications in this series concerning your Christian appellation and the Rules of English Grammar will explain why certain letters in the beginning of words are not capitalized; Why your given name and surname are written as above; and what periods and bracket “() []” signify according to English Grammar and the law.]
Your local Postal Service may try to tell you that general delivery is only good for thirty days and then it automatically cancels. They may cite sections 1.2 through 1.4 of the Manual [see above], which states in part “Postmasters may restrict the use of general delivery by customers” but notice this is a customer restriction, not a transient restriction. They will also quote “General delivery customers can be required to present suitable identification before mail is given to them” and “General delivery mail is held for no more than 30 days, unless a shorter period is requested by the sender. Subject to 1.2, general delivery mail may be held for longer periods if requested by the sender or addressee.”
Again, notice that the terms used are restricting the customers and the addressee, both being commercial terms of commercial personae, which does not apply to transients and sojourners. They may ask you to fill out a USPS Form to request General Delivery. This is not general delivery through the post office but a commercial Customer General Delivery Request of the USPS. You have no need to request that which is already common to all people and readily available without restriction, hence, being of the common law. Such commercial oriented Request Forms are for customers not transients.
Just advise everyone to start sending your first class mail to you as shown above; Then, go to the post office once a week and ask them for mail they may be holding with your name on it in general delivery. They will almost always ask you for ‘Identification’. Hopefully, you personally know the clerk. Postal Service Employees are allowed by Postal Regulation to hand to you mail without any further identification if you are personally known to them. If not, show them a copy of your Baptism in Christ Jesus from the church, signed by Christian witnesses.
If they insist on a picture identification, tell them you simply have no identifications with your picture on it, such as State Drivers Licenses. Tell them you are a Good and Lawful Christian who does not receive benefits from the government including “ID Cards” or “Licenses”. They will most likely presume that you’re one of those ‘Quakers’ or belong to some other ‘religious cult’ and they will also be in fear that if they deny you any matter in general delivery, they may be in ‘civil rights’ trouble, so they’ll almost always give you your general delivery matter.
The evidence of a mailbox on a house, in front of a house, or a Post Office Box prove military commercial residency as an ‘enemy in the field’. A doorbell or door knocker is an ‘invitation’ under military and statute law to break down the door if necessary within their own discretion, because it is presumed that the existence of such is to permit or allow anyone to enter for any reason once announcement has been made and without any further protocol necessary to gain entrance.
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