Understanding The Strawman Concept

The concept of the strawman holds significant implications for comprehending the subtle web of enslavement that has enveloped us from the very day we come into this world. This concept sheds light on a complex web of legal and financial constructs that affect our lives in ways we may not be aware of. By delving into the concept of the strawman, we can begin to unravel the intricate mechanisms that have influenced our lives since birth.

In essence, the strawman refers to a legal fiction, an artificial entity created for administrative and contractual purposes. It is a distinct entity from our natural selves, yet intricately linked to our identities through various documents, such as birth certificates, social security numbers, and government-issued identifications. The concept of the strawman has deep historical roots and has evolved over time, intertwining itself within the fabric of modern times.

The origins of the strawman can be traced back to feudal times when legal entities were established to manage complex transactions and property ownership. Over the centuries, the idea evolved, and its application expanded, especially with the advent of modern governance structures. Today, the strawman operates as a legal personification of individuals in the eyes of the state, granting them the capacity to enter into contracts, pay taxes, and conduct other legal transactions without our knowledge or consent.

The connection between the concept of the strawman and enslavement lies in the subtle manipulation of our identities and rights. By treating individuals as distinct entities (the strawman) and subjecting them to various obligations and regulations, those in power exert a level of control that do not align with individual freedoms according to the original Unite States Constitution. This process occurs without the full knowledge and consent of the individuals involved, making it akin to a form of systemic bondage.

Governments, financial institutions, and corporations are key players in perpetuating the strawman's influence. Through intricate illegal mechanisms, they bind individuals to the strawman, allowing for extensive control over their lives and resources. While many of these processes serve essential functions, the lack of awareness, transparency and the complexities involved can leave individuals feeling entrapped and restricted.

Recognizing the existence of the strawman and its implications is crucial in fostering awareness and empowerment. By understanding the ways in which our identities are interwoven with illegal constructs, we can take steps towards reclaiming our freedom and asserting our rights by capturing our strawman. Education and transparency are essential tools in dismantling the shroud of secrecy surrounding the strawman concept.

At 1350, we are here to teach you, lead you, and empower you with the the knowledge and the tools necessary to help you in the process of capturing your strawman. Empowerment comes through knowledge and action. As individuals, we can strive to educate ourselves about the legal systems governing our lives. By seeking transparency and holding institutions accountable, we can work towards minimizing the potential for exploitation and manipulation through the strawman framework.


The moment we are born, our parents undertook a seemingly innocuous act by signing what they believe to be a birth certificate, a document to officially register our existence. However, unbeknownst to them, this act sets in motion a series of illegal events that alter the course of our identity and rights. The creation of the strawman, a legal fiction and artificial entity, occurs as a result of this process, binding us as wards of the state and entangling us in a web of contractual obligations that may have far-reaching consequences.

The birth certificate [illegal contract], a seemingly routine document marking our entry into the world, takes on a deeper significance when we uncover its hidden role as collateral for debt. Beyond its mere record-keeping function, birth certificates [illegal contract] are utilized as bonds, tying us to an intricate web of financial obligations.

Upon our birth, our parents are presented with the birth certificate [illegal contract] as a routine procedure, without fully comprehending its legal implications. This document is viewed as a means of officially recording our birth and identity. Little do they know that beneath this seemingly simple act lies the initiation of a contractual arrangement that will impact our lives for years to come. Most parents do not know there is a huge difference between a birth certificate [illegal contract] and a live record of birth [official record of our birth].

The birth certificate [illegal contract], although intended as an official record, serves a dual purpose in the eyes of the law. While it does indeed record the details of our birth, it also initiates the creation of the strawman. This legal fiction is an artificial entity that exists on paper and is distinct from our natural selves. It comes into existence through the registration of our birth and becomes a vessel for various illegal and financial transactions.

As the strawman is established, we inadvertently become wards of the state, subject to maritime law, the system's rules and regulations that govern this artificial entity. This occurs without our knowledge or consent, and the extent of its impact on our lives remains obscured from most individuals.

The creation of the strawman gives rise to a web of contracts and illegal obligations that shape our interactions with various institutions and authorities. From taxation and employment to property ownership and financial transactions, the strawman becomes the intermediary through which we engage in illegal matters. Yet, the detachment between our true selves and this legal fiction can lead to feelings of disempowerment and a lack of control over our lives when we learn about the reality of what has taken place without our knowledge or understanding.

Understanding the concept of the strawman and its connection to the birth certificate [illegal contract] allows us to peel back the layers of complexity that govern our illegal identity [strawman]. Awareness of this process empowers us to question the mechanisms that influence our lives without our explicit consent.

Devoid of thoughts, feelings, a heart, a mind, or a soul, the strawman exists solely on paper, rendering it unable to act independently. Consequently, the absolute control over the strawman rests in the hands of those who manipulate its existence. The strawman represents a legal fiction, an entity designed to facilitate administrative and contractual functions. As an abstract construct, it possesses no cognitive abilities, emotions, or individuality. It is merely a name [JOHN DOE] and a set of illegal identifiers, lacking the capacity to think for itself or exercise personal agency.

Given the strawman's inherent limitations, it becomes apparent that the decisions and actions pertaining to it must be governed by external entities. Whether governmental institutions, financial systems, or illegal frameworks, those with authority and jurisdiction over the strawman effectively control its course. The manipulative potential of controlling the strawman should not be underestimated. With this fictional persona as a conduit, those in power can exert substantial influence over various aspects of our lives, such as financial transactions, employment, and illegal matters.


The year 1871 marked a significant turning point in the history of the United States. The enactment of the Act of 1871 brought about a fundamental transformation, transitioning the nation from a republic, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, to a democracy. This shift in governance was accompanied by the emergence of a legal fiction known as the strawman. Understanding this pivotal moment in history is crucial to comprehending the implications it holds for our legal identities and rights.

The Act of 1871, also known as the District of Columbia Organic Act, effectively restructured the governance of the District of Columbia. Prior to this act, the United States functioned as a republic, where power was vested in the hands of elected representatives who upheld the Constitution and protected individual rights. However, after the Act of 1871, the nation adopted a democratic form of government, resulting in a significant shift in the balance of power and the structure of authority.

With the transition to a democratic system in 1871, a legal fiction known as the strawman began to emerge. This fictional persona was artificially created to facilitate administrative and contractual functions within the legal system. The strawman, being a mere name [JOHN DOE] and set of identifiers, lacks any personal attributes or autonomy. As a result, it became an instrumental tool for managing illegal affairs, often without the full knowledge or consent of individuals.

Awareness of the Act of 1871 and the creation of the strawman is essential in fostering transparency and empowerment. By understanding the historical context of this transformation, individuals can actively seek clarity regarding their illegal identity and navigate the legal system more effectively.


The transformation of America from a republic to a democracy in 1871 marked a significant shift in its governance, and it coincided with the advent of a legal construct known as the strawman. America's transition from a republic to a democracy was not a mere coincidence but a deliberate decision rooted in specific motives. A republic is characterized by a representative form of government, where the people elect officials to uphold the Constitution and protect individual rights. In contrast, a democracy emphasizes direct participation, allowing [citizens aka strawman] to be used for illegal purposes.

For those seeking to manipulate the legal system and exert control, the openness and freedom inherent in a republic posed challenges. A free society with strong protections for individual rights is less amenable to centralized control and manipulation. Consequently, a transition to a democratic from of government provided an opportunity to introduce illegal constructs like the strawman, creating a bridge between the fictional "person" and the state.

The strawman, a legal fiction, was a product of the transition to democracy. This artificial entity serves as a means to manage administrative and contractual functions, blurring the line between the individual's true identity and their legal persona. By creating this legal fiction, those in power gained a mechanism to regulate and influence various aspects of citizens [the strawman] without their full awareness or consent.

The introduction of the strawman concept enabled those in authority to exercise a degree of control over the fictional "person", veiled behind the facade of democratic governance. By interjecting this illegal intermediary, decisions affecting the fictional "persons" financial and contractual matters could be made without directly involving the the real live and breathing individual.


The concept of the strawman, intertwined with an illegal contract and an insurance policy, adds a layer of complexity to the circumstances surrounding our birth. The moment we are born, a legal fiction known as the strawman is created, and an illicit contract forms, opening a corporation in our name [JOHN DOE]. Moreover, an insurance policy is placed on the strawman, which curiously expires upon our death, with the federal government benefiting from these policies.


So now you have a much better understanding of why it is important for each and every one of us to start the process to capture our strawman so that the corrupt federal government can no longer conduct commerce and make money with our strong man and it also stops them from collecting on the insurance they put on our straw man when we die.

This is how we dismantle and defund the corrupt federal government known as the UNITED STATES INC.


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