Imagine, if you will, a lifetime's worth of stolen wealth. From the very moment of our birth, we have unknowingly contributed to an immense financial system designed to exploit our existence for the gain of a select few. The money extracted from our tax returns, the profits derived from our birth certificates, and countless other mechanisms have funneled trillions of dollars into the coffers of the elite. This has been an insidious process, hidden in plain sight, and we have been none the wiser. Every paycheck, every financial transaction, every seemingly mundane economic activity has contributed to a vast wealth machine that has enriched the few at the expense of the many. Imagine if all this money, accrued over the years, was suddenly returned to us, complete with interest. The mere thought might seem like a fantastical dream, a notion too good to be true. Yet, this is the deception we have been fed throughout our lives. It's time to break free from these mental shackles and envision a new reality.
Welcome to the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) and the Quantum Financial System (QFS). NESARA represents a bold, transformative vision for economic justice and financial sovereignty. One of its most radical proposals is debt forgiveness. Imagine a world where personal debts, such as mortgages, credit cards, and other loans, are forgiven, significantly lightening the financial burden on the American people. This is not a mere cancellation of debt but a restoration of financial freedom to individuals, allowing them to live without the oppressive weight of unending financial obligations. Furthermore, NESARA calls for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve System, a "private entity" that has controlled the nation's money supply for over a century. In its place, a new treasury banking system (QFS) will be established, one backed by precious metals like gold and silver. This shift will not only stabilize the economy but also return control of the nation's currency to the people.
In addition to debt forgiveness and the abolishment of the Federal Reserve, NESARA proposes comprehensive tax reforms and a return to constitutional law. The current income tax system, a significant source of financial strain for many, will be abolished. In its stead, a fairer and more transparent system would be implemented, ensuring that taxation is no longer a tool of exploitation. NESARA also calls for the restoration of constitutional law, eliminating government agencies and practices deemed unconstitutional. This will lead to a more transparent and accountable government, one truly representative of and responsive to the people. Lastly, NESARA proposes currency reform, replacing the Federal Reserve notes with a new U.S. Treasury currency. This new currency, backed by tangible assets, will provide a stable and secure medium of exchange, free from the manipulations and devaluations inherent in the current system. Embracing NESARA and the Quantum Financial System means envisioning a world where economic security and prosperity are not the privilege of the few but the right of all.
> Keep in mind that President Trump has already announced no tax on tips.
> Keep in mind that President Trump has already announced no tax on social security for seniors.
> Keep in mind that President Trump has mentioned abolishing income tax and going back to the tariff tax act to fund the federal government like it was back in the day.
> Keep in mind that President Trump has the Trump Crypto Currency Project going. This will benefit all people and will tie into the QFS and NESARA.
> Keep in mind that on May 16th, 2024, Rep. Massie Introduced the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to "End the Fed" [H.R. 8421]
Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announced the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie's legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.
Read the text here:
Keep in mind that on April 25th, 2018, Sen. Young Introduced the National Economic Security Strategy Act of 2018. [S.2757]
To require a national economic security strategy, and for other purposes.
Read the text here: