NOTICE: Trump EO 13818 and Case No.: 19CV2407 are Connected... BIG BIG BOOM!

The vast amount of evilness that was allowed by the alliance [Trump and his team] to stand back and watch the deep state walk right into their own trap was used as leverage to drain the swamp for good. Like the saying goes, never interrupt the enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves from the inside out.

And they [the deep state] are way too arrogant, prideful and greedy to even care about the consequences. Their main focus is the money, the wealth and their evil and sick pleasures etc.

Executive Order 13818 Written: December 20th, 2017

Case 19CV2407 Filed: February 26th, 2020

The A. I. Organization has nailed their 26 Theses to the door of the District Court of California in the form of “Case No. 19CV2407 CAB AHG.” This case names their Defendants as: Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Tesla, Neuralink, DeepMind, Cision PR Newswire, along with Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and 29 other “Captains of Industry” for conspiring to use AI as a weapon of mass destruction and mass genocide against humanity.

We must continue to demand that our political representatives and journalists ask questions. The only way we can do so is if we inform and empower ourselves with information that must NOT be dismissed as fake news, conspiracy, or crazy. It is time to dig deeper and expose the truth before it is literally too late. Without people becoming aware we are all collectively doomed.

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