Scripture(s) Of The Day - Monday, April 22nd, 2024 AD / Yom Sheni, 14th of Nisan, 5784 (Hebrew Calendar)

NOTE: "Yom Sheni" (יום שני) is the Hebrew term for "Monday." In the Hebrew language, "Yom" means "day" and "Sheni" means "second."


Hoshĕa (Hosea) 9:1-10 TS2009 [The Scriptures]

1 O Yisra’ĕl, do not rejoice with exultation like the peoples, for you have whored from your Elohim. You have loved a harlot-fee at all threshing-floors.

2 Threshing floor and winepress shall not feed them, and new wine shall fail in her.

3 They shall not dwell in the land of Yahweh, but Ephrayim shall return to Mitsrayim, and eat unclean food in Ashshur.

4 They do not pour wine offerings to Yahweh, nor are they pleasing to Him. Their slaughterings are like bread of mourners to them, all who eat it are defiled. For their bread is for their beings, it does not come into the House of Yahweh.

5 What do you do for the Day of Appointment, and in the day of the Festival of Yahweh?

6 For look, they shall go because of destruction – Mitsrayim gathers them up, Moph buries them, nettles possess their valuables of silver, thorns are in their tents.

7 The days of punishment have come, the days of retribution have come. Yisra’ĕl knows! The prophet is a fool, the ‘man of the Spirit’ is mad, because of the greatness of your crookedness, and great is the enmity.

8 Elohim’s watchman over you, Ephrayim, is the prophet, but a trapper’s snare is in all his ways. Enmity is in the House of his Elohim.

9 They have deeply corrupted themselves, as in the days of Gib‛ah. He remembers their crookedness, He punishes their sins.

10 I found Yisra’ĕl like grapes in the wilderness. I saw your fathers as the first-fruits on the fig tree in its beginning. They themselves have gone to Ba‛al Pe‛or, and separated themselves to shame, and became as abominable as that which they loved.

The book of Hosea, attributed to the prophet Hosea, resonates with a resounding message of divine love, compassion, and unwavering belief amidst the backdrop of human infidelity. In the powerful narrative of Hosea 9:1-10, the consequences of Israel's persistent disobedience are vividly depicted, serving as a stark reminder of the gravity of spiritual waywardness and the ensuing call to repentance and restoration. Through a meticulous examination of this passage, readers are invited into a profound exploration of timeless themes such as sin's corrosive nature, the inevitability of judgment, and the steadfast promise of redemption that threads through the tapestry of Hosea's prophetic discourse.

Hosea's prophetic ministry unfolds against the backdrop of a nation entrenched in spiritual adultery, symbolized by the harrowing imagery of a wayward spouse. In Hosea 9:1-10, the prophet paints a picture of Israel's spiritual destitution, portraying a people whose waywardness has led to desolation and barrenness. Through the evocative metaphor of a withered vineyard and fruitless fig tree, Hosea unveils the dire consequences of Israel's rebellion against Elohim's covenant, underscoring the inevitable repercussions of forsaking divine guidance and succumbing to the allure of idolatry. Yet, amidst the impending judgment looming over the nation like a gathering storm, Hosea extends a powerful invitation to repentance, holding out the promise of restoration for those who heed the call to return to the embrace the will of Elohim.

Embedded within the somber narrative of judgment and exile in Hosea 9:1-10 lies a glimmer of hope, a beacon of divine favor that pierces through the darkness of human sinfulness. Despite Israel's waywardness and the looming specter of divine judgment, the overarching message of Hosea remains one of redemption and restoration. Through the prophet's impassioned plea for repentance and his unwavering declaration of Elohim's enduring love, readers are reminded of the boundless depths of divine compassion that transcend even the most profound depths of human transgression. Thus, as readers journey through the passages of Hosea's prophetic vision, they are beckoned to confront the reality of sin, embrace the certainty of judgment, and ultimately, cling to the promise of redemption that shines forth as a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness.


1. Consequences of Unbelief:

The passage opens with a solemn admonition against finding joy in the present condition of Israel, for they have strayed from the path of fidelity to Elohim, lured away by the allure of false deities and ensnared in the trap of idolatry. Through the vivid metaphor of embracing the earnings of a prostitute, the text vividly illustrates the grave nature of Israel's spiritual infidelity, likening it to a betrayal of the deepest covenantal bond. This spiritual harlotry, marked by an abandonment of pure devotion to Elohim, serves as the catalyst for Israel's eventual collapse and subsequent divine judgment.

2. The Futility of Idolatry:

The portrayal of Israel's relentless pursuit of false gods and their accompanying sacrificial rites is painted as an exercise in futility, utterly devoid of pleasing Elohim. Despite their fervent adherence to religious rituals, the passage suggests a stark reality: their endeavors will yield no sustenance or fulfillment, and their offerings will be summarily rejected. In their misguided attempts at worship, Israel tragically misses the mark, their sin-soaked actions tarnishing the sanctity of their once-holy rituals and polluting the sacred spaces meant for communion with Elohim. The gravity of their transgressions is underscored by the profound sense of spiritual dissonance, as their sinful nature has corrupted the very essence of their worship, leaving it bereft of true meaning and efficacy in the eyes of Elohim.

3. Judgment and Punishment:

The passage ominously prophesies the imminent reckoning and retribution awaiting Israel as a consequence of their grievous transgressions and relentless defiance of divine authority. What was once a landscape marked by prosperity and abundance is forecasted to be transformed into a desolate wasteland, a haunting testament to the severity of their disobedience. Their willful rebellion against Elohim's commandments and their persistent straying from the path of righteousness are portrayed as the catalysts for their impending downfall. As a chilling testament to the immutable laws of cause and effect, Israel is depicted as facing the harrowing repercussions of their actions, with the gathering storm clouds of destruction ominously looming on the horizon. The forces of adversity stand poised to descend upon them, their enemies encircling like vultures ready to enact the divine judgment decreed upon a nation veering perilously off course. In the crucible of this impending calamity, Israel will come face to face with the grim reality of their choices, grappling with the sobering consequences of their rebellion as they confront the specter of annihilation.


1. Call to Repentance:

Hosea 9:1-10 stands as a powerful testament to the enduring consequences of waywardness and the indispensable call for repentance. Embedded within its verses is a timeless exhortation for introspection, urging individuals to scrutinize the depths of their hearts and to turn away from the allure of sin. The narrative unfolds as a warning, reminding us of the stark realities that await those who stray from the path of righteousness. Yet, amidst the somber backdrop of divine judgment, there exists a beacon of hope, the promise of forgiveness and restoration in the boundless favor of Elohim. This passage serves as a clarion call for spiritual renewal, inviting us to confront our shortcomings and to seek reconciliation with the One who extends mercy without measure. It beckons us to embrace the transformative power of repentance, acknowledging our frailties and entrusting our brokenness into the hands of Elohim, the Divine Healer. In the tapestry of our lives, Hosea's words echo as a timeless reminder of the enduring truth that redemption awaits those who humbly turn back to the source of all favor and compassion.

2. Warning Against Idolatry:

The passage serves as an earnest warning, sounding the alarm against the seductive enticements of false gods and the deceptive mirage of worldly pleasures that ultimately corrode the soul and estrange us from the divine presence of Elohim. It stands as a steadfast reminder to believers of every generation, urging us to fortify the walls of our hearts against the insidious threat of idolatry, which stealthily creeps into our lives, masquerading as fulfillment yet leaving behind a trail of spiritual desolation. In a world replete with distractions and temptations, the call to remain unwavering in our allegiance to the one true Elohim resonates with unwavering clarity, serving as a guiding beacon amidst the turbulent seas of moral ambiguity. For it is in this steadfast devotion that we find refuge from the tumultuous currents of life, anchoring our souls to the unshakable foundation of divine truth and unwavering love. In the face of the ever-present allure of counterfeit gods and fleeting pleasures, we are challenged to cultivate a resolute resolve, safeguarding the sacred bond that binds us to the heart of Elohim, our Creator.

3. Assurance of Elohim's Promises:

Even in the face of Israel's persistent waywardness, the enduring love and assurance of Elohim stands resolute, unwavering in His steadfastness. This passage emerges as a profound testament to the boundless depths of divine compassion and the infinite patience of Elohim, who, despite the incessant failures of His people, remains steadfast in His commitment to reconciliation. It serves as a powerful reminder of the relentless pursuit of divine love, which ceaselessly extends its arms to embrace the prodigal sons and daughters who have strayed far from the fold. In the symphony of redemption, Elohim's voice rings out as a clarion call, beckoning His wayward children to return to the shelter of His embrace, offering forgiveness and restoration to all who humbly repent and turn their hearts back to Him. It is in this divine invitation that we find the promise of renewal and the hope of redemption, for in the boundless expanse of Elohim's favor, there exists no sin too great to be washed away, no heart too broken to be healed. Thus, the passage stands as an eternal testament to the unfathomable depths of Elohim's love, which transcends the frailty of human weakness and shines forth as a beacon of hope in the darkest of nights.


Hosea 9:1-10 presents a sobering message of judgment and warning, yet it also offers hope for repentance and restoration. Through its vivid imagery and prophetic proclamation, the passage reminds readers of the consequences of waywardness and the enduring assurance of Elohim. As believers, we are called to heed the warnings of Scripture, turn away from sin, and embrace Elohim's compassion and favor, knowing that He is willing to forgive and restore those who seek Him with contrite hearts.

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