The Movie we are all watching... [Please Read & Share]

For the Patriots who are wide awake and aware of what is and has been going on since January 20th of 2021, you know that nothing is as it seems.

If you are wide awake, and aware, you also know that since January 20th of 2021 we have been watching a well-planned movie playing out.

This movie is based on a true story, and just like any other movie that is based on a true story the actual people that are part of the story don't actually play the roles in the movie.

So the movie that we are all watching play out right now has many actors ranging from the highest levels of our government all the way down to the lower levels of our government.

The story line of this movie that we are all watching play out has to do with the fact that for decades a small group of people who are a part of the global elite known as the cabal have been slowly and methodically pressing forward with their evil agenda to destroy America and to make America a part of the one world government, the one world religion and a one world economy all known as the New World Order.

As a part of this evil agenda by these global elites they installed "puppets" in pretty much every level of government including large corporations, mainstream media, and social media all across our great land.

It is a known fact that for many years the CIA was preparing Barack Hussein Obama to one day become president of the United States which would start the first phase of the 16-year plan to destroy America. Barack Obama's role as the president from 2008 to 2016 was to deplete our military on every level so that America could not defend itself, he also was to completely deplete and destroy our economy which is why we saw the mortgage crisis in 2008, and his role was also to sign a number of executive orders and to put other procedures in place so that when Hillary Clinton was [S]elected to be president in 2016, the groundwork would be laid for her continue on with her part of the plan. Hillary Clinton was an installed "puppet" who was set to be the second half of the 16-year plan to destroy America and her role was to bring us into multiple wars and to utterly destroy America.

But as we all know their plan came to a screeching halt in 2016 when the legitimate military stepped in and allowed the real electoral vote to decide who the 45th president would be and we all know the result of that.

It's also a well-known fact that the cabal and the deep state had the 2016 election rigged immensely in favor of Hillary Clinton according to the popular vote, that is why the military made sure that the electoral vote was what determine the winner because they knew that the deep state cabal had cheated in a huge way.

These installed 'puppets' were apart of the CIA, these puppets were part of mainstream media which as those of you who are awake know that CIA was working with mainstream media under the name of Operation Mockingbird for decades.

These puppets were also installed in the FBI, which we now know from the Twitter files was working directly with Twitter to silence, censor or even ban anyone who posted anything that went against their narrative. The FBI even had offices at Twitter headquarters where FBI agents would work alongside Twitter employees. Jack Dorsey who was another installed puppet of course was working on behalf of the global elites. It's also important to note that some high level democrats in congress had a direct hotline into Twitter that they could call 24 hours a day to have posts censored or removed and they could also have people censored or even blocked.

Mark Zuckerberg, is another well-known installed puppet who is working on behalf of the global elites and the cabal, and it's no coincidence that Life Log which was a DARPA project was shut down and later on the same day Facebook came online.

It's also important to know that for those of us who are awake we know that COVID was a planned event, [EVENT 201] it was allowed to happen as a test for humanity, people were given the free will to choose to trust and rely on man or to trust and rely on God, sadly many people caved to trust man out of fear, but those who chose to trust and rely on God, many of those people are the ones who are not only standing strong and pressing forwards to speak the truth, they are also the ones being censored in attacked big time today.

And for those Patriots who are wide awake and aware you also know that the 2020 election was rigged and it was allowed to be rigged by the military, you also know that President Trump won every single state in regards to in person voting, and interestingly, Joe Biden won every state in Mail-in voting. And the reason Joe Biden or shall I say the actor Joe Biden was allowed to win with 81 million ballots not "votes" is because many dead people and illegals voted the only way they could and that was by mail-in ballot.

This was all allowed to happen for several reasons, the number one reason was to allow the deep state cabal to rig and steal the election like never before so that space force and the NSA could literally collect every last packet of data so that now we have ample proof as president Trump has said we have it all we have caught them all.

The second reason they were allowed to rig and steal the 2020 election was so that the the movie we are all watching and have been watching since January 20th could take place.

Millions of Americans for decades have been manipulated and deceived into believing a certain narrative. President Trump, the military, and the white hats knew that the only way to wake people up would be for them to actually see it for themselves, live through it, experience it and be impacted by it in order to fully wake up. Because simply telling people about it would not wake people up.

President Trump while in the white house made many moves, set many policies in place, and signed many executive orders so that we could put the government on pause effective Jan 20th, 2021. During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons. Our country was infiltrated. Americans were divided and lulled into slavery. To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story [the movie we are all watching]. For the last 3 1/2 years, the show has allowed the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weaponizing the people... all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system... Quantum Financial System [QFS], and derooting corruption of every form globally. We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time. It had to be this way. And it's glorious. What a time to be alive.
