Apr 24, 2024 15:45:17 EST
Q !!120613817 ID: 177645 No. 5484-5124-4776-042424
#66 Unveiling Operation Mockingbird: The Insidious Web of CIA Disinformation and Psychological Warfare in America
At this pivotal moment in time, America finds itself entrenched within a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, one surpassing the gravity of even the tumultuous period of 1776. This isn't merely a crisis; it's a confluence of conflicts. At its core lies an exhaustive information war, but paramount to that, a spiritual battle for the essence of America and the very souls of its people, reminiscent of biblical proportions. The annals of the last fifteen decades bear witness to an insidious proliferation of corruption, tyranny, and moral decay within the fabric of America. The magnitude of malevolence, treachery, sedition, and blatant disregard for the sanctity of human rights, freedom, and liberty, orchestrated by a cabal of global elites driven by insatiable greed and thirst for power, is nothing short of abhorrent. We find ourselves navigating through a juncture in time where the imperative for every American, every patriot, to rise in defiance, to safeguard our liberties and resist the encroaching tyranny lest they slip through our fingers forever. Letters To America serves as a beacon of truth amidst the pervasive fog of deception, illuminating the shadows of deceit that have enveloped our government for generations, empowering you to discern the truth amidst the pervasive darkness of corruption and manipulation, offering insights into the entrenched evils and pervasive corruption that have ensnared our government and compromised the very essence of America, all for the pursuit of personal gain.
Letters to America is a very detailed collection of intel and information based on the truth that the American people need to know about that has been hidden in the shadows and suppressed for far too long. Letters to America is not just a compilation of facts and data; it embodies a profound commitment to unveiling the concealed realities that the American public deserves to be aware of, truths obscured in the obscure corners and silenced by the mainstream media [FAKE NEWS] outlets. It is a repository of untold stories and hidden narratives and agendas, shunned and suppressed by the behemoth of big tech platforms, including the likes of Facebook. The driving force behind Letters to America is singular and unwavering: the dissemination of unfiltered, unvarnished truth to the people of this great nation. Its mission is to empower individuals to awaken to the veracity that surrounds them, to be informed people, capable of making choices and decisions rooted in the bedrock of truth rather than the quicksand of misinformation, lies and deceit. With depth, integrity, character, and purpose, Letters to America aspires to be the torchbearer of honesty in an era where the clarity of truth is often overshadowed by obscurity.
In today's Letter to America, like always, we embark on a profound journey into the depths of our collective consciousness, where uncomfortable truths reside that are waiting to be acknowledged and confronted. As we navigate the tumultuous waters of our world, it becomes clearly evident that our awareness, or lack thereof, profoundly shapes our understanding of the narratives that unfold before us. The revelations that are chronicled within this letter unveil hidden truths that will challenge preconceived notions, test the boundaries of our beliefs, and ultimately, illuminate the path towards a more enlightened existence. It is in our capacity and our willingness to explore these unsettling truths, to engage with them authentically, and to foster a deeper sense of integrity that will pave the way for a nation that transcends division and seeks the profound unity that binds us all as Americans.
Your level of awakening and consciousness serves as a lens through which the intricate layers of meaning within today's letter unfold, revealing the profound wisdom and insight chronicled within its words. As you delve deeper into the text, your heightened awareness allows you to grasp the subtle nuances and hidden truths hidden between the lines, enriching your understanding of the message and the world around you.
The dissemination of disinformation orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) extends far beyond mere manipulation; it embodies a calculated strategy designed to entrench Americans within a perpetual state of cognitive entanglement. Originating in the intricate webs of espionage and covert operations dating back to the 1960s, this program, colloquially known as Operation Mockingbird run by the "Clowns In America," embodies an insidious fusion of misinformation, psychological manipulation, and narrative engineering. Its tentacles stretch across a spectrum of societal constructs, from political discourse and financial markets to the realms of religion, politics, social identity, and public health. By propagating false narratives surrounding elections, cryptocurrencies, religious beliefs, gender identities, and even pivotal historical events such as the peaceful protest on January 6 at the Capitol, what the Deep State calls a [Riot] or an [Insurrection], this intricate web of deception ensnares individuals within a labyrinthine loop of confusion and disarray.
At its core, this disinformation campaign operates not merely as a tool of control, but as a sophisticated mechanism of psychological warfare against the American people. It infiltrates the collective consciousness, implanting seeds of doubt and mistrust that corrode the very fabric of societal cohesion. By distorting perceptions of reality and manipulating the flow of information, those orchestrating this agenda perpetuate a cycle of uncertainty and division, sowing discord among the masses. Moreover, by fabricating crises such as the COVID-19 [plandemic] and manufacturing narratives of systemic racism, they exploit vulnerabilities within the human mind, fostering a climate of fear and paranoia. In doing so, they perpetuate a self-perpetuating cycle of dependence, wherein individuals become unwitting participants in their own psychological subjugation.
Yet, amidst the vast amount of deception, there exists a glimmer of hope, a beacon of clarity amid the fog of misinformation. It lies in the recognition of this insidious program for what it truly is, a manipulation of the collective consciousness, a nanotechnology of the mind seeking to ensnare humanity within an endless loop of false narratives and fabricated realities. By reclaiming agency over our thoughts and perceptions, by questioning the veracity of information presented to us, we can begin to dismantle the walls of deceit erected around us. Through critical thinking, discernment, and a steadfast commitment to truth, we can break free from the shackles of manipulation and forge a path towards enlightenment and liberation. In doing so, we not only reclaim our individual sovereignty but also collectively chart a course towards a future defined by integrity, authenticity, and genuine human connection.
The issuance of Executive Order 13818 represents more than just a bureaucratic maneuver; it marks a pivotal moment in the unveiling of a grand narrative, a revelation of truths long obscured by layers of deception and obfuscation. With the bold stroke of a pen, President Donald J. Trump thrusts into the limelight a clandestine reality that extends far beyond the confines of political intrigue, a reality in which the very fabric of society hangs in the balance. As the world watched, transfixed by the spectacle that unfolded across mainstream media and social networking platforms, what emerged was nothing short of a wholesale declassification of information, orchestrated under the auspices of the US Military. Yet, lurking beneath the surface of this disclosure lies a vast amount of illusions, a maze of CGI and masks designed to cloak the true nature of reality.
Indeed, the events transpiring before our eyes serve as a stark reminder of the extent to which deception permeates the corridors of power. From the staged theatrics of COVID-19 to the insidious machinations of pedophilia rings, the playbook of manipulation reveals itself in all its grotesque detail. Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, a glimmer of hope emerged, a beacon of light illuminating the path towards redemption and liberation. For in the midst of this revelation, we are reminded that true power lies not in the hands of those who seek to control and manipulate, but in the collective will of a people united in pursuit of justice and truth.
As the dust settled and the full extent of the deception became clear, we are faced with a choice, a choice between acquiescence to the forces of tyranny or defiance in the face of oppression. It is a choice that transcends political affiliation, ideological persuasion, and personal bias, a choice that demands nothing less than a reclamation of our individual and collective sovereignty. For in the crucible of adversity, we find the forge in which the steel of our character is tempered, the furnace in which the fires of resilience burn bright. And so, as we stand on the precipice of a new dawn, let us seize this moment with courage and conviction, knowing that the future of humanity hangs in the balance.
Classified Documents that were unclassified and approved for release on 1/14/2020
SUBJECT: CIA / Project Mockingbird [Operation Mockingbird].
Routine review of the daily syndicated column of newsmen Robert S. Allen and Paul J. Scott in early 1962 developed indications that classified information, sometimes code word material, was being utilized as the basis for a high percentage of their columns. Although much of the information contained in the columns was garbled, it was apparent that key points were frequently direct quotes from classified reports and summaries of recent vintage.
The Director of Security received a requirement from the DCI in March 1962 to attempt through appropriate investigative activity to determine, if possible, the identities of the source or sources of classified information to the two newsmen. It was recommended to the DCI that telephonic monitoring would be the most productive. In addition, certain investigation limited to discreet checks of records sources was recommended. With approval of the DCI, around the clock telephone monitoring was conducted of telephone lines to each of the newsmen's homes and to the office which they shared jointly.
The activity was continued until mid-June 1962, at which time the telephonic coverage was discontinued to coincide with the retirement of the Director of Security. Knowledge of the activity, beyond a limited few in the Office of Security directly involved in processing the acquired data, is indicated as being limited to the DCI, the DDCI, the Executive Director-Comptroller and the General Counsel. Subsequently the DCI advised that he had briefed the Attorney General, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Regular briefings of the DCI were conducted by the Director of Security throughout the tunure of the operation.
Project Mockingbird was extremely productive in developing sources data, both classified and unclassified, to the two newsmen, as a result of a daily telephone conversation the two men would conduct after the senior member of the team, Col. Robert S. Allen, would complete the re-write of raw data left for him in the office by Paul J. Scott. It became apparent that Scott acquired most of the sensitive data, and that he acquired it in highly accurate form. The obvious garbling of the data occurred in the re-write by Col. Allen.
The newsmen's sources were wide-ranging, and much of the information provided to them by these sources never saw print. In a number of cases, the writers specifically noted that such-and-such an item could not be used in any form because it could be directly attributed to the source. During its short tenure, MOCKINGBIRD established the identities of much of a significant number of sources and "cooperative" individuals. This information was of a partisan political nature or was in the nature of sensitive intelligence, necessitating cautious handling to avoid a leak of information or compromising the integrity of their secretive program.
In those cases of either direct interest to the purpose of MOCKINGBIRD, i. e. national defense information, it was possible in many cases to establish a specific iden- tity of the source providing the information. In other cases, it was possible to establish only a general, non-specific, identification of source, such as "my friends over in Navy," "he works right in their office," etc. Because of the frequent compromise of sources by the newsmen, by name or essential elements which could lead to identification of an individual, it became apparent that over an extended period of time most, if not all, such sources could be identified. (As noted earlier, it was decided to terminate MOCKINGBIRD with the retirement of the Director of Security, rather than to continue the activity for a more desirable period of time.)
Sources of information of all sorts used by Col. Allen and Scott can be generalized as follows:
The Speaker of the House
Members of the Senate and House of Representatives Congressional Staff members
Members of the News Media
Employees and staff members of the White House, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International Development, the Department of Justice, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency Staff members of the Office of the Vice President
The Republican and Democratic National Committees
Retired Federal officers and officials
Miscellaneous others, ranging from a union official to a priest
There appeared to be a fairly clear division of source types between Col. Allen and Paul Scott, which might be generalized as follows:
A. Col. Allen appeared to have most of his contacts among former and Col. Kehm, for example) Army associates and "old New Deal" personalities, (Oscar Chapman, for example).
B. Paul Scott, by far the most active of the two men, had the remaining contacts. Monitors of MOCKINGBIRD were frequently amazed at the sheer bulk of information Scott would acquire in the course of a day. Most of the highly classified information mentioned as such in the conversations is directly attributable to Scott's sources. Scott made frequent reference to his close association with the Speaker of the House, and in one discussion with his White House source promised a "McCormack cigar" in exchange for a report he subsequently received from White House records. (Scott had taken a leave of absence from the column the previous year to assist in the unsuccessful political bid of the Speaker's nephew.)
MOCKINGBIRD was not successful during its three months of operation in identifying Col. Allen and Scott's source or sources in this Agency. The principle source of concern, Mr. "X", appeared to be in the Office of National Estimates. A blind memo regarding him, including references to his written comments on certain National Estimates and statements he is supposed to have made, was shown by the Director of Security to Mr. Sherman Kent. Mr. Kent was not aware of MOCKINGBIRD as the source. Mr. Kent subsequently advised the Director of Security that he was unable to identify "Mr. X" from the information provided.
One significant factor developed by MOCKINGBIRD was the ability of the newsmen to obtain warnings or guidance regarding possible threats to their activities. For example:
B. In mid-March 1962, Paul Scott advised Col. Allen that they were under investigation by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations as a result of their accurate overflight stories. According to Scott, the Secretary of Defense had directed the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to conduct an investigation of the newsmen in an attempt to develop their sources. The Director of DIA subsequently held a meeting with Col. Allen regarding the proposed conduct of the investigation. A "friend" of Scott's was present in a office when a participant of the meeting was discussing it with other personnel. Because there were too many people present at the time, the "friend" was unable to obtain full details. Subsequently, the "friend" was able to obtain further details. They had discussed such an investigation with the CIA a week or so earlier. He was not told, at the time, of MOCKINGBIRD, but it was suggested that he initiate no investigative action. When the foregoing information was obtained, he was immediately briefed on and shown the transcript of the pertainent conversations. General Carroll insisted that he had adhered to the the meeting described by Scott had not taken place.)
B. In May 1962, Col. Allen indicated that he had recently been visited by a man from CIA, an old Army friend, "Stanley." The apparent tenor of the meeting dealt with "pot shots" being taken at the DCI and the DCI's concern that the Administration was planning to "unload him or kick him upstairs. In a subsequent conversation, Paul Scott advised Col. Allen that he (Scott) had been cautioned to be a little careful in what he said to "Col. Grogan. Col. Grogan, he said, is very close to another person in CIA, with loyalty like that to Mr. McCone. Scott indicated that his source had advised that Col. Grogan had "a couple of meetings" with this other, unnamed, person "this week," and that Col. Grogan's visits to Col. Allen "may be both friendly and a surveillance job." (Col. Grogan was not aware of MOCKINGBIRD, but was cooperating with the Director of Security because of the mutual concern at Col. Allen and Scott's classified revelations. He, indeed, had met with the Director of Security both prior to and after his visit to Col. Allen.) Scott's source of this informa- tion was never identified.
Attached is a list of contacts and sources of Col. Allen and Paul Scott. Those indicated by an asterisk provided information to them, ranging from incidental political data to sensitive military information. Parenthetical numbers indicate a specific report in the attached MOCKINGBIRD notebook. Those for which no number appears are those per-sons identified in other conversations. These latter conversations were not transcribed because they did not deal directly with the information leakage of concern.
Known Contacts - 1962.
U.S. Senate
Senator R. Vance Hartke (D) Indiana*
Senator Wayne Morse (D) Oregon*
Senator Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D) Minnesota* (78)
Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) Maine*
Senator Clinton P. Anderson (D) New Mexico*
Senator Karl E. Pundit (R) South Dakota
Senator J. William Fulbright (D) Arkansas
Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D) Hawaii
Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D) Washington*
Senator E. L. Bartlett (D) Alaska*
Senator Henry M. Jackson (D) Washington*
Senator Ernest Gruening (D) Alaska*
Senator Jacob K. Javits (R) New York*
Senator John G. Tower (R) Texas*
U.S. House of Representatives
Representative John W. McCormack (D) Massachusetts, Speaker of the House
Representative Wilbur D. Mills (D) Kansas (58)
Representative Omar Burleson (D) Texas
Representative John E. Fog-garty (D) Rhode Island*
Representative Wright Patman (D) Texas (33)
Representative John J. Rooney (D) New York*
Representative Daniel J. Flood (D) Pennsylvania (75)
Representative Paul G. Rogers (D) Florida
Representative John D. Dingell (D) Michigan
Representative Francis Walter (D) Pennsylvania*
Representative Michael A. Feighan (D) Ohio* (61)
Representative Leslie C. Arends (R) Illinois* (62)
Congressional Staff
Herman Clay Beasley, clerk, Special Sub-Committee on Regulatory Agencies, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (His wife, Helen, is a staff member of the Special Government Information Sub—Committee of the House Committee on Government Operations.)
Congressional Staff (Continued)
Robert G. Baker, Secretary for the Majority, U.S. Senate
Mace I. Broide, Administrative Assistant to Senator Vance Hartke
Tony Scott Smith, Press Secretary to Senator Barry Goldwater
William C, Lewis, Jr. , Executive Assistant to Senator Margaret Chase Smith
James Sundquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Joseph B. Clark
Harry Shuler Dent, Administrative Assistant to Senator‘ Strom Thurmond
J. Fred Buzhardt, Legislative Assistant to Senator Strom Thurmond
George F. Murphy, Jr. , Staff Member, Atomic Energy Joint Committee
Carl M. Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
William M. Cochrane., Administrative Assistant to Senator B. Everett Jordan
Francis R. Valeo, Administrative Assistant to Senator Mike Mansfield
"Tower's man" (See Unknowns) "" i
"Ed," Armed Services Committee (See Unknowns)
"Humphrey's aide, " (See Unknowns)
"Morgan" (See Unknowns)
"Arnold, " Armed Services Committee* (See Unknowns)
"Thurmond's people (See Unknowns and Buzhardt and Dent, above)
"Marcy"* (See Unknowns) '
"Javits' man" (See Unknowns)
"Guy in Kastenmeir's o£fice" (See Unknowns)
"Pat McNamara's assistant" (See Unknowns)
"Feeney," aide to Representative McCormack. In Washington on a temporary basis.
Executive Branch
Thomas R. McEntegart, Bureau of Ships, U.S. Navy
Joseph A. Camelio, Economist, Department of Commerce (Scott's personal friend)
Col. John Boocharsky, Walter Reed Medical Center (Col. Allen's doctor)
George E. Reedy, assistant to Vice President Johnson (86) Willie Day Taylor, aide to Vice President Johnson*
Myer "Mike" Feldman, information officer, U.S. Department of Justice
John A. Baker, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
Thomas A. Kennedy, Director, Management Inspection Staff, Agency for for International Development*
William J. Cronin, Office of Chief of Engineers, Department of Army
James T. Ramey, Executive Director, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Joseph F. Dolan, Deputy U. S. Attorney General
William P. Connors, clerk, the White House
Joseph L. Marks, U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center*
Larry Fillipelli, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
News Media Representatives
Alice Widener, columnist and publisher of USA Magazine*
Edward J. Michelson, correspondent, Berkshire Evening Eagle
Earl Mazo, correspondent, New York Herald Tribune*
John Henshaw, correspondent, New York National Enquirer, American Mercury, leg-man for Jack Anderson* (Scott feeds him stories)
George Dixon, writer, King Features Syndicate (Scott feeds him stories) Robert Y. Crater, correspondent, Cincinnati Post and Times Star
John Goldsmith, United Press (Now shares column with Col. Allen-1970)
Willard Edwards, Chicago Tribune Syndicate
Don Larabee, correspondent for unnamed publication
Sam Shaeffer, Newsweek
Esther Coopersmith, Hall Syndicate*
Clark Mollenholf, Cowles Publications and Des Moines Register
Phillip Potter, Baltimore Sun
Frank Edwards, Indiana newsman and newscaster
Joe Neil, Hall Syndicate
Unnamed newsman who covers the U. S. Department of State for the
Washington Evening Star.*
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William Casey.
CIA Director (1981)