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#95 Unveiling the Deep State: The Hidden Halls of Power Within The Bohemian Grove, Its Influence on The Deep State, Its Grip on Power, and Evil Occult Rituals
At this pivotal moment in time, America finds itself entrenched within a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, one surpassing the gravity of even the tumultuous period of 1776. This isn't merely a crisis; it's a confluence of conflicts. At its core lies an exhaustive information war, but paramount to that, a spiritual battle for the essence of America and the very souls of its people, reminiscent of biblical proportions. The annals of the last fifteen decades bear witness to an insidious proliferation of corruption, tyranny, and moral decay within the fabric of America. The magnitude of malevolence, treachery, sedition, and blatant disregard for the sanctity of human rights, freedom, and liberty, orchestrated by a cabal of global elites driven by insatiable greed and thirst for power, is nothing short of abhorrent. We find ourselves navigating through a juncture in time where the imperative for every American, every patriot, to rise in defiance, to safeguard our liberties and resist the encroaching tyranny lest they slip through our fingers forever. Letters To America serves as a beacon of truth amidst the pervasive fog of deception, illuminating the shadows of deceit that have enveloped our government for generations, empowering you to discern the truth amidst the pervasive darkness of corruption and manipulation, offering insights into the entrenched evils and pervasive corruption that have ensnared our government and compromised the very essence of America, all for the pursuit of personal gain.
Letters to America is a very detailed collection of intel and information based on the truth that the American people need to know about that has been hidden in the shadows and suppressed for far too long. Letters to America is not just a compilation of facts and data; it embodies a profound commitment to unveiling the concealed realities that the American public deserves to be aware of, truths obscured in the obscure corners and silenced by the mainstream media [FAKE NEWS] outlets. It is a repository of untold stories and hidden narratives and agendas, shunned and suppressed by the behemoth of big tech platforms, including the likes of Facebook. The driving force behind Letters to America is singular and unwavering: the dissemination of unfiltered, unvarnished truth to the people of this great nation. Its mission is to empower individuals to awaken to the veracity that surrounds them, to be informed people, capable of making choices and decisions rooted in the bedrock of truth rather than the quicksand of misinformation, lies and deceit. With depth, integrity, character, and purpose, Letters to America aspires to be the torchbearer of honesty in an era where the clarity of truth is often overshadowed by obscurity.
In today's Letter to America, like always, we embark on a profound journey into the depths of our collective consciousness, where uncomfortable truths reside that are waiting to be acknowledged and confronted. As we navigate the tumultuous waters of our world, it becomes clearly evident that our awareness, or lack thereof, profoundly shapes our understanding of the narratives that unfold before us. The revelations that are chronicled within this letter unveil hidden truths that will challenge preconceived notions, test the boundaries of our beliefs, and ultimately, illuminate the path towards a more enlightened existence. It is in our capacity and our willingness to explore these unsettling truths, to engage with them authentically, and to foster a deeper sense of integrity that will pave the way for a nation that transcends division and seeks the profound unity that binds us all as Americans.
Your level of awakening and consciousness serves as a lens through which the intricate layers of meaning within today's letter unfold, revealing the profound wisdom and insight chronicled within its words. As you delve deeper into the text, your heightened awareness allows you to grasp the subtle nuances and hidden truths hidden between the lines, enriching your understanding of the message and the world around you.
The Bohemian Grove
Similar to Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove is a secret society which is known for its influence and its ability to attract future secretaries, bankers, intelligence offices, military leaders, and other key figures of the Deep State. Founded after the Civil War by Henry Harry Edwards, the Bohemian Grove was originally intended to be an organization where journalists, writers, and artists of all kinds could find a sense of community and privacy. Since that time, however, the Bohemian Grove has brought in thousands of the richest and most influential men in the world. They hail from all across the country to meet each year in the California redwood forest. Members can only be male, and must adhere to complete secrecy. Despite this secrecy, every GOP president has been a member of the Bohemian Grove—with Trump as the only exception, of course.
The motto of the Bohemian Grove is “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,” which is ironic, considering that the club is known for conducting business during their meetings.
Power and influence are certainly present at the Bohemian Grove—but so are occult ceremonies and perverse acts. The members are known to urinate wherever they please, and dance through the forest drunk and naked—all as a representation of their innate freedom. There is a darker side to the Bohemian Grove, however, which falls somewhere along the spectrum ranging from pagan to satanic. Perhaps the most infamous ritual is one which mocks a child sacrifice called the “Cremation of Care.” Men in robes and donned in hoods chant, carry torches, and congregate beneath an owl that some suggest represents Moloch, a demon god that the Canaanites sacrificed babies and children for. A child “effigy” is thrown on the fire as a sacrifice to the owl, all amidst eerie chants and disturbing screeching from the men.
We can thank the dedicated journalist, Alex Jones, for providing us with so much information about the Bohemian Grove. He was able to record the above-described ritual on camera and put it online, providing the public with the first actual piece of footage, proving without a doubt that the occult ceremony exists.
The actual actions of the ceremony are no less strange than the words spoken throughout. In Jones’ video, available here: Watch The Video Here, the speaker can be heard proclaiming the following speech beneath a giant concrete owl: “The Owl is in his leafy temple. Let all within the grove be reverent before him. Lift up your heads oh ye trees and be lifted up ye everlasting spires, for behold here is Bohemia’s shrine, and holy are the pillars of this house. We shall read the sign. Midsummer sets us free! Ye shall burn me once again! Not with these flames! Which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign. Ye fools and priests, I spit upon your fire! O Owl! Prince of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we beseech thee, grant us thy counsel.”
Along with video footage, we also have century-old still photographs. While they are blurry, they still stand as evidence that this ritual has been alive and active for at least 100 years.
After filming the Cremation of Care ritual, Jones stopped David Gergen on the street for an interview. Gergen regularly attended the Bohemian Grove, and acted as a head advisor to four presidents, composed of both Democrats and Republicans. Gergen had already admitted to the public that he was a member, and when Jones asked about the Cremation of Care, Gergen quickly shut down. His mood visibly changed, his facial expression darkened, and the interview ended.
We also know that members of the Bohemian Grove were not pleased about Trump’s presidential candidacy or his “America First” platform. DCLeaks posted a hacked email from Colin Powell, former Secretary of State which provides unique insight into this. In it, Powell says that he has returned from the Bohemian Grove and states that “Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster.” For American citizens who had long been concerned about government officials attending secret society rituals, this leaked email gave them everything they needed to put Trump into the presidency.
Without a doubt, these secret societies include the most powerful individuals in the nation—and, in many cases, across the world. The societies that intensely hold onto their secretive nature are also those with the most similarities—like the strange rituals and connections to the occult within the Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Along with the visible and invisible pieces of the Deep State behind the Deep State, there are plenty of other globalists that remain completely behind the scenes. In all likelihood, there are many other societies that we may never know their existence.
Fighting back against the secret societies of the Deep State represents the most classic battle of them all: good versus evil. The goal of the globalists is not to make the world a better place for everyone—it is to manipulate the world to their own personal benefit. They will not measure freedom, good, and prosperity as markers of success. Along with good versus evil, there are also spiritual implications that cannot be removed from this battle. For those that maintain a moral compass—and particularly for those who hold to the Christian faith—the Deep State globalist campaign is one that holds serious implications for our nations spirituality.
The most powerful weapon that we have in this fight is truth. Exposing the Deep State and all of its branches, networks, organizations, and players is the only way that we can win this war. We must seek to inform, educate, and enlighten those who do not understand the Deep State, or perhaps have not seen their influence. With a united and educated America, we can continue to expose the Deep State; fight for freedom; fight for our God; and ultimately, fight for our country.
The Bohemian Grove was created in 1872 where men worshipped an Owl statue. As time went on, the wealthy businessmen controlled the Grove (above and beyond the original middle class artists in the group). At first, Grovers would camp at various places like the present Muir Woods, Samuel P. Taylor State park, and a separate redwood grove near Duncans Mills. Regular July encampments similar to those held today began in 1899. The first parcel of the grove was purchased from Melvin Cyrus Meeker who developed a successful logging operation in the area. Gradually over the next decades, members of the Club purchased land surrounding the original location to the perimeter of the basin in which it resides. Their motto is “Weaving spiders, come not here.“ These words existed from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.“ That means that outside concerns and business deals are to be left outside. There is an interesting story of tale of Minerva and Arachne. Arachne is Greek for spider. The story revolves about a weaking contest between Minerva (who is called the goddess of arts, needle work, and weaving) against Arachne. Arachne losing the competition and turns into a spider. This motto of “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here” might to alluded to the myth. The area where the Grove is at is located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio, California. The ceremonies occur in mid-July each year. It hosts a three week encampment. Its members aren’t just former U.S. Presidents business leaders, and bankers. There are some artists and musicians there as well. The Camp at the Grove is riddled with imagery of death, sacrifice, skulls and Owls, as is the Club's Headquarters in San Francisco. An initiation fee of $25,000 (as of 2006) is required in addition to yearly membership dues. Elected members are allowed to prorate the initiation fee into equal annual payments until they reach the age of 45. Therefore, you have to be rich or have a lot of money to join this club. Guests come in by a screening process. Folks join by invitation. The main encampment area has 160 acres of old growth redwood trees. Some of them are over 1,000 years old and are higher than 300 feet in height.
The National Press Club was established in Washington, D.C. in 1908. Soon, its membership include news reporters, including 17 consecutive President of the United States. The National Press Club’s logo had and owl (an emblem of the Bohemian Grove), a lantern, and the rays of sunlight. Some of the folks in the National Press Club control most of the mainstream media today in America. One of the most powerful cliques of the Bohemian Grove is called Mandalay filled with CFR members, SMOMs, Pilgrims, and corporate cheiftans. Mandalay seems to be the camp of international relations. Those in Mandalay include Samuel H. Armacost (from Bank of America), Ralph E. Bailey, George H. W. Bush, the late William J. Casey, Henry Kissinger, George P. Schultz, etc. Mandalay is the top of the capstone of the Bohemian Grove in terms of political power. You can’t just walk into the Mandalay location. The Syllabus of Errors in the late 1800's had the Vatican to condemn the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and other legitimate freedoms in the world. William Randolph Hearst, Bay Area shipbuilder Arthur W. Moore, writer Ambrose Bierce, writer Henry Georg, and other famous Grovers existed in times past. Other pre-eminent camps are:
-Hill Billies (which is made up of: Big Business/Banking/Politics/Universities/Media)
-Cave Man (which is made up of: Think Tanks/Oil Companies/Banking/Defense Contractors/Universities/Media)
-Stowaway (which is made up of: Rockefeller Family Members/Oil Companies/Banking/Think Tanks)
-Uplifters (which is made up of: Corporate Executives/Big Business)
-Owls Nest (which is made up of: U.S. Presidents/Military/Defense Contractors)
-Hideaway (which is made up of: Foundations/Military/Defense Contractors)
-Isle of Aves (which is made up of: Military/Defense Contractors)
-Lost Angels (which is made up of: Banking/Defense Contractors/Media)
-Silverado squatters (which is made up of: Big Business/Defense Contractors)
-Sempervirens (which is made up of: Californian-based Corporations)
-Hillside (which is made up of: Military — Joint Chiefs of Staff)
-Idlewild (which is made up of: California-based Corporations)
The Bohemian Grove hosts some of the most powerful men in the world. Seaborg is one man who headed the Plutonium work of the Manhattan Project (which formed American nuclear technology into the next level). The Manhattan Project had many Grovers that worked on it. Glenn T. Seaborg once described the Grove as: “…where all the important people in the United States decide an agenda for our country the following year.” (Mike Hanson, “Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy,” page 32).
The Bible is clear that we should make owls and animals into godlike images: Romans 1:22,23 comes to mind: "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." The Bohemian Grove deal with sexual debauchery and the praise of false gods in simply terms.
The Cremation of Care and the Owl
Some believe that the owl image in the Grove looks similar to Molech, who is the pagan deity of Canaan. Yet, Molech doesn't look like an owl, but a bull creature. Therefore, Molech isn't in the Cremation of Care ceremony (once the Care statue was a 70 ft. high Buddha statue). The owl in the Cremation of Care cermonies relates to the goddess of Minerva. Molech is in the collection of masculine false gods of the ancient world (like Amun Ra, Baal, Marduk of Babylon, the Tyrian Melqart, the Greek Zeus, and the Akkadian Adad. These beings typically have horns, relate to the sun, relate to fire, etc.). The Cremation of Care ceremony was invented by Joseph D. Redding in 1893. Joseph Redding was very well connected to elite Anglo-American families. For example, Redding’s father was a land agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. This company was owned by elite Anglo-American Pilgrim Society families (like Harriman and Harkness). A statue of an owl stands at the head of the lake in the Grove; the Owl Shrine was designed by sculptor and two-time club president Haig Patigian and built in the 1920’s. The owl statue (in the Cremation of Care ritual) is more related to Minerva (or the Goddess like Lilith).
Lilith represents wisdom (This has been proven by the research of Conspiracy This site proves that the Bavarian Illuminati used the owl as a strong logo of this group). Goddess image relate to the moon, while god images relate to the sun in the Mysteries. It is generally accepted that Sumerian goddess of Innana became Ishtar, Semiramis, Cybele, and Astarte, which are all mother goddesses with the dove and lion as main attributes. Lilith in the occult was Adam’s mythological first wife. She like Adam was created from the dust of the Earth. In legends, she refused to submit to Adam and she left him. Lilith is described as either a winged serpent or a screech owl WHO MURDERS INFANTS! (according to the research of Christian David Stewart). Sounds familiar? A 2006 occult work by ceremonial magickian Donald Tyson, titled Liber Lilith, details the secret cosmology for the 'Mother of Harlots' and the spawn of all nightbreed monsters called Lilith. To occultists, Lilith is a consort of Lucifer or related to the figure of Babylon. She is also called the Queen of Demons. The book proclaims itself as saved from the ashes of Dr Dee's library at Mortlake in the 1580's. According to Terry Melanson, Lilith is also closely related "to the Greek figure of Hecate, with her demands for human sacrifice.” (in the Bohemian Grove, there is mock human sacrifice). In fact, the poet George Sterling was one of the most prominent "Bohos" of his time. Sterling wrote a play titled Lilith; a dramatic poem (in 1920), in which Lilith herself mentions the owl, which demonstrated that they or Bohos at least knew of such symbolism. Sterling stayed at the Bohemian Club in his own private room toward the end of his life, where he committed suicide by ingesting cyanide. The owl is therefore one major symbol of the Bohemian Grove. Some point to the owl design in a section of Washington, D.C. as another proof of D.C.‘s Masonic/occult origin. The owl is also found hidden in the One Dollar Bill. The owl emblem of Minerva (which is the Roman god of wisdom. The ancient Greek version of Minerva is Athena) in the occult world again represents wisdom. The owl is viewed as a good omen in the battlefield or in a crisis. Owls images are found at the Acropolis of Athens (which is a Temple dedicated to Athena). An exact replica of the Acropolis is found in the Library at the Bohemian headquarters in San Francisco. There is also a plaque in the Bohemian Grove area stating: “Replica of Ancient Athenian Owl.”
The Bavarian Illuminati utilized the owl as an emblem as well. The Bavarian Illuminati wanted enlightenment principles to govern the world (in the process of getting rid of Monarchs and organized religion in the process). Ironically, Weishaupt allowed the Minveral Academy to transpire in his group. The Minerval degree (or the Brethren of Minerva) was in the Bavarian Illuminati as from, which was above the Novice degree. People were called on to learn figures from ancient Greece and Rome. The Minerval degree have Quibus Licet notebooks were notebooks were introduced and kept. Members in the that degree are required to do essays to pass a test. The owl was a nightly bird and according to Terry Melanson, the Bavarian Illuminati operated at night. On each Minerval ceremony, the initiates recited and were taught a lecture on a slight version of the Ode to Wisdom poem (which was written by Elizabeth Carter). This poem ironically has the word Care, which is similar to the Bohemian Grove's Cremation of Care. The Minerval Academy have its meetings marked on the Illuminati’s calendar as sacred. One pages 236 and 237 from “The Dictionary Symbols” by J.E. Cirlot, the owl represents:
“…In the Egyptian system of hieroglyphics, the owl symbolized death, night, cold, and passivity. It also pertains to the realm of the dead sun, that is, of the sun which has set below the horizon and which is crossing the lake or sea of darkness.”
Here’s another Bohemian Grove connection to the owl:
“…The Bohemian Club's] symbol is an owl, which has been in use since the first year the Club started. The owl has come to symbolize the wisdom of life and companionship, that allows humans to struggle with and survive the cares and frustration of the world. The owl is found on all Bohemian materials from matchbook covers and doormats to the most elaborate Club publications. For $34.00 you can even own an owl-emblemed sports shirt. A forty foot concrete owl stands at the head of the lake in the Grove. This owl shrine was built in 1929 to serve as a ceremonial site for traditional Bohemian rituals and is used yearly for the Cremation of Care Ceremony….”
- Peter Martin Phillips, A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club (1994), page 44.
There is even more obsession with the owl image. James Gordon Bennett (1795- 1872) was the founder of the New York herald. His son was James Gordon Bennett Jr. (1841-1918). Now, Minerva and the Bell Ringers at Herald Square were dedicated to both men. Bennett Jr. took control of the Herald after his father died. The original masthead of the Herald was the owl. A statue of Minerva and the Bell Ringers are found on the roof of the New York Herald building on 35th Street and 6th Avenue. The statue of Minerva of Athena hold her shield with her left hand. Also, she gestures at the 2 men named Stuff and Guff statues.
“…On the hour, the men swing back their hammers and pretend to strike the bell, but stop three inches short. The hour is actually struck by a mechanism tucked behind Stuff and Guff. Originally, it was hand-wound, and each winding took 240 turns and took two to three hours to set Minerva for a week. Now it is electric. On top of the bell sits Athena's bird, the owl, whose eyes blinked green when the owl and Athena were on top of the Herald's headquarters. The inscription below the figures notes that this is a memorial to James Gordon Bennett, founder of the New York Herald in 1835, and his son James Gordon Bennett, 'through whose vision and enterprise the New York Herald became one of the world's great newspapers.' James Gordon Bennett, Jr., moved the headquarters of the Herald from its original location on Park Row (near 'Printer's Square,' where the Benjamin Franklin statue now stands) uptown to a Renaissance-palazzo-style building designed by Stanford White. (The Building was demolished in 1921.) Before working people owned watches, the Herald Tribune's tolling clock was relied upon to tell time in the Herald Square area. The artist was the Beaux-Arts trained-sculptor Jean Antoine (Antonin) Carles (1851-1919). The figures and bell were cast in France by 'SIOI - Decauille, Foundeur Paris' and shipped to New York….”
Ironically, the Herald headquarters’ roof is surrounded by 26 owls that are 4 feet high. The eye sockets of the owl have electric globes at night that flash on and off. It winks on people. One meaning of it is that wisdom in found in the newspaper. The New York Times writes that there's "a bronze door accessing the interior of the monument near 35th Street. It is inscribed with five stars, an owl and the legend 'La Nuit Porte Conseil,' which has been translated idiomatically from the French as 'Let's sleep on it.'" Indeed, for it was Bennett's personal motto (the words of In nocte consilium means Night is mother of counsel in Latin. The Bavarian Illuminati embraced these words. Another maxim that the Illuminati gave to the Minvervals was Quidquid agis, age prudente et respice finem. These words are Latin for Whatever you do, do cautiously, and be mindful of the end). Bennett Jr. would keep live owls in his office as meaning wisdom. He painted owls everywhere in his house, yacht, and even in their bathrooms. This is an obsession and many of these people worship the Creation instead of the Creator. That is the precise definition of a pagan.
The Care according to Peter Martin Philips relates to Bacchus (a Roman false god which is better known as the Greek false god of Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of wine, sexual freedom, and ecstatic freedom). Sir Francis Dashwood would have a role of Bacchus/Dionysus in his own rituals of the Hell Fire Club. The "do what you will" quote, inscribed above the main entrance of the Medmenham Abbey where many of Dashwood’s rites were performed, served as an inspiration for Aleister Crowley. Dashwood visited many European royal courts in his younger years, ultimately becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer and a member of the Queen's Privy Council (in 1761). The Cremation of Care ceremony portrays the Grove members as being afraid of Care. The ritual wants to rid of Care. Care is posing as a mocking spirit in the Cremation of Care ritual. These actions go back to the Druids, Babylon, Greece, etc. Philips’s 1994 Ph.D dissertation about the Cremation of Care outline the following:
“…The Cremation of Care Ceremony was produced as a play in 1920, wherein a High Priest standing before a huge pre-historic alter, is confronted by Dull Care wrapped in the chains but not dead because Bacchus, the only warrior Care fears, is truly dead... Care responds: 'Call Bacchus from the grave... long as he is dead. I sneer at Great Bohemia! Aha! Aha!'... Good Fellowship then takes the torch from the priest at the alter and burns Care in his prison, thereby purging the 'demon Care from the sacred Grove.' This ceremony has been rewritten on several occasions but the theme is still the same." (1994, Peter Martin Philips, 'A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club'.
Some believe that the Dull Care may go back to the Sumerians. The Sumerians had the word of barra. Barra means begone to get rid of the unwelcome spirits of the land. This tradition spread into Greece, Rome, and Europe during the Middle Ages. In fact, there was the 1687 play called “Begone Dull Care” This was made by John Playford. Also, the Grove members have a human sacrifice in effigy (or a dummy) and do other things. In the Bohemian Grove, there is a priest wearing a mitre (which looks similar to the Pope’s mitre, and the Dagon fish gods of the Middle East). Dagon is the half man, half fish god that was believed by the ancient pagans to have brought humankind civilization. It was worshipped under many names of Enki, Ea, Dagon, and Oannes. This tells me that the Bohemian Grove high priests existed from the Sumerian-Babylonian high priests not just having connections to the Papacy. Similar groves occur worldwide in Europe, etc. It isn't just one place in Northern California where some world leaders perform occult, degenerate acts near Groves. The Bohemian Grove today owns about 2,712 acres of land. Journalist Dirk Mathison found out about the Grove by the hard way. In July 1991, when Mathison was the San Francisco bureau chief of People magazine (owned by Time Warner), he sneaked into the Grove's 2,700 acre spread three times. On his third foray, Mathison ran into a Time Warner executive who recognized him - and threw him out. Mike Hanson is a first-hand eyewitness who has been inside the Bohemian Grove. In the summer of July 15, 2000, Mike secretly “infiltrated” the Grove with radio talk show host Alex Jones. They filmed several hours of footage, including the entire “Cremation of Care” ritual, which will be published in full here for the first time. He peers behind the deep, green foliage and twisted vines, and the moss-covered brown limbs and trunks of ancient, gnarled trees to discover what really goes on at the Bohemian Grove. This ritual was the Cremation of Care. The goddess Diana is also present at the Grove. A picture of her statue, which is located near the 'Diana Circle', has been among a few dozen photos a certain 'Kyle' has managed to snap in 2004 and 2005 as an employee at the Bohemian Grove.
Saint Nepomuk
The Bohemian Grove has many Vatican ties that isn’t shown much even in some of the alternative media. Saint John of Nepomuk (in Bohemia) is the Patron saint of the Grove. Nepomuk in some stories refused to tell the confessional secrets of Queen Johanna of Bohemia to King Wenceslaus IV of the Bohemians (He was also King of the then Holy Roman Empire). John of Nepomuk was killed in 1393 according to a legend. King Rudoph II of Bohemia was another occultist in the 1500's. There is even an old Bohemian Grove picture of a Mass being performed there. Hence a Vatican/Bohemian Grove link is there. Both George W. Bush and John Kerry are related to Borivoj I and Saint Ludmila, who are the oldest rulers of Bohemia. Nepomuk is pictured (in a wood carving) with an index finger near his mouth. He wars cleric robes. This symbolizes secrecy. The Jesuits canonized Nepomuk as a means to continue their wicked Counter-Reformation. Ironically, there is a place called “Old Bohemia.” Old Bohemia is also called St. Francis Xavier Church, which was founded by Rev. Thomas Mansell in 1704. This place is a large Jesuit plantation in Cecil County, Maryland (since Maryland back in the 1700’s was an outpost of Papal influence). It’s one of the oldest permanent Catholic institutions in America. The Bohemia Academy was created in 1745 by Jesuit Thomas Pulton (which was attended by Roman Catholic Charles Carroll of Carrolton). Charles Carroll was a signer of the Declaration of Independence (His cousin John Carroll was the first Catholic bishop in the United States). Old Bohemia is now a famous historical site. The Vatican have been involved in evils for centuries as we all know. These are interesting connections. There is also the Vatican connection to sexual abuse and child slavery. Again, this is a taboo subject for the disinformation folks. The CIA and certain members of the U.S. government were caught in child sex trafficking rings in the U.S. These evil acts include the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch, who vanished without a trace in 1982. Former Republican Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp wrote a book, entitled “The Franklin Cover-Up.” In it, he wrote that Paul Bonacci was an eyewitness to the rape and ritualistic murder of a young boy named Nicholas in the Bohemian Grove at the summer of 1984. Bonacci created notes of the sick incident. There is one connection to abuse scandals in the 1980's that doesn't receive much attention. That link is that Vatican role in such scandals. For example, Boystown in the 1980's was caught in child abuse. John DeCamp (he was an ex-aide of the Knight of Malta CIA boss William Colby) wrote about this scandal and the Franklin child sex abuse case.
Lawrence King was convicted for his involvement in the Franklin sex abuse case. Also, Roman Catholic priests abused many of the boys at Boystown. It would be ironic that John DeCamp was becoming a Catholic priest. The overseer of Boystown was the Roman Catholic Monsignor Robert Hupp. According to DeCamp Monsignor was the only Catholic priest to be appointed as a delegate to the United Nations. The Vatican has supported the U.N. since its inception. One example is how Pope Paul VI (Montini) who stated that the United Nations was "the last great hope for mankind.“ DeCamp visited and talked to the then Cardinal Ratzinger about the archdiocese of Omaha Nebraska's involvement in the pedophilia at Boystown. A judge forced DeCamp (who had an audience with the Pope) to take the Arch Diocese off the lawsuit. This information is omitted from the “Conspiracy of Silence" documentary (which was produced by John DeCamp) that was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. It's easy to decipher that the Roman Catholic Church was involved in child abuse for a long time. The Vatican boasts over 1 billion members worldwide including 1.7 million Knights of Columbus in the USA. Ted Gunderson writes about similar subject matter (like about Satanists), but unfortunately doesn't outline the Vatican's role in the sexual abuse of young children. Also, Ted L. Gunderson supported Sylvia Browne, who is a pro-Gnostic psychic. Human trafficking is a global occurrence that has been exposed by conservatives, liberals, and independents. Stealing children and banning innocent behavior among parents and children were key duties of sick dictatorships like in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Even in the 21st century, Dyncorp and the U.N. have been caught being involved in sex rings or some of the U.N. peacekeepers doing sexual assaults against women of the Third World.
People have sexual orgies and the members of the Bohemian Grove have sex with prostitutes from across the world. I wouldn't be surprised if human sacrifice and sexual abuse is done there as well. Mike Hanson interviewed 4 Mitchell Brothers female dancers for his book. They admit that prostitution was an “unofficial” policy at the Bohemian Grove. The girls were expected to perform sexually inside of the Grove. The girls found a briefcase left by one Bohemian Grove member. They found an old butcher knife that had stains in it (that could be used for murder). Also, the briefcase had an owl mask, a long black robe with a gold hood, and ritual gear. The New York Post Page Six ( which is an Archived Page) from July 22, 2004 exposed how a male porn star named Chad Savage serviced some of the Bohemian Grove members. The article says that this person makes their beds and gives the Grover’s food back then. The Post claims that they don’t know who he is. This part of the story is possibly disinformation by them since no one comes into the Bohemian Grove unless you are screened. According to the Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet (which is promoted by the Bohemian Grove Action Network.
“…They watch (and participate in) plays and comedy shows in which women are portrayed by male actors. Although women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy the company of the many prostitutes who come from around the world for this event. Is any of this hard to believe? Employees of the Grove have said that no verbal description can accurately portray the bizarre behavior of the Grove's inhabitants….When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. The Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle class is steadily becoming poorer. This close-knit group determines whether prices rise or fall (by their control of the banking system, money supply, and markets), and they make money whichever way markets fluctuate. They determine what our rights are and which laws have effect, by appointing judges. They decide who our highest officials shall be by consensus among themselves, and then selling candidates to us via the media which they own. Important issues and facts are omitted from discussion in the press, or slanted to suit their goals, but they are discussed frankly at the Grove. Is there true democracy when so much power is concentrated in so few hands? Is there any real difference between the public and private sectors when cabinet members come from the boardrooms of large corporations? Is the spending of billions on weapons, which are by consensus no longer needed, really the will of the people? Or is it the will of General Electric, General Dynamics, and the other weapons contractors represented at the Grove? .. ….”
Richard Nixon wrote about the Bohemian Grove in interesting terms:
"If I were to choose the speech that gave me the most pleasure and satisfaction in my political career, it would be my Lakeside Speech at the Bohemian Grove in July 1967. Because this speech traditionally was off the record it received no publicity at the time. But in many important ways it marked the first milestone on my road to the presidency." — President Richard Nixon again, in a more mellow mood, in his Memoirs (1978).
"The Bohemian Grove, that I attend from time to time — the Easterners and the others come there — but it is the most faggy god__ thing that you would ever imagine. The San Francisco crowd that goes in there, it's just terrible. I can't even shake hands with anybody from San Francisco." — President Richard M. Nixon
Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote about the homosexual activities going on in the Bohemian Grove. Don Heimforth was a Grover and admitted to homosexual sex in the Grove as well before dying of AIDS. Many fake conservatives hypocritically claim to be for family values, but go into the Bohemian Grove to have sex in orgies. “Kyle” (which isn’t his real name, but a secret one to protect his identity) is a employee of the Bohemian Grove that blew the whistle on many inside events of the organization. He told his information to Alex Jones. Kyle worked at the Grove for their Spring Jinx for the “neophytes” (or newcomers or outsiders of the group). He worked for the official 15 day Summer encampment festival as well. "Kyle" went on record as saying he witnessed Colin Powell, Justice Clarance Thomas, Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson all in attendance at this year's encampment. "Kyle" witnessed the extensive use of biometric scanning equipment. Employees now have to hand scan to gain entry and to leave the Grove. The members are able to forego this scanning and simply have ID cards. He then went on to describe how as one of the younger men in there, he was approached numerous times by men in their 50s, 60s and 70s and asked if he "slept around.” This proves that many adulterers and homosexuals are in the Grove. There is a large statue of the Goddess Diana, the main Circle is named Diana, there are buses named Diana, Old Druid and hamadryad (From Greek/Roman mythology).
A wood nymph who lives only as long as the tree of which she is the spirit lives or a King Cobra) which is one of the high priests in the Cremation of Care ceremony. “Kyle” managed to get 5 hours of video and 50 photos in the Grove with the use of a pen camera. Secret orders have these not only obsessed with sex, but almost worshipped it in their rituals and symbols. The Square and Compass emblem of Freemasonry (including the Tubal Cain) are representations of the heterosexual sex act. The Square and Compass represents the Generative principle. Albert Pike, 33°, who used to be the Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, agrees with Waite, pointing out the sexual significance of the symbol as pertaining to the "generative principle" (or sexual intercourse). The O.T.O. or the Ordo Templi Orientis has grosteque sexual rituals. Even rocket scientist and OTO member Jack Parsons followed sexual rituals to advance his anti-Christian causes. Jack Parsons was a founding member of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) back in the late 30's, and one time head of the California branch of the magical order the Agape Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). Parsons was an innovator of rocket engineering. Babalon Working was a ritual he did with L. Ron Hubbard in order to herald the coming of the Antichrist as a child (or the Moonchild that Aleister Crowley wrote about). Hubbard was of course the founder of Scientology. On June 17, 1952, Parson accidentally died by blowing himself up with explosions. The occult is known for evil sex practices, black magic, and blood sacrifices. That is why it wouldn’t be surprising if real human sacrifice takes place inside of the Bohemian Grove.
More Information about the Bohemian Grove
A grove is a small wooded area. Pagan groves have different meanings to different people. Some pagans conceive of a pagan grove as a learning center for different pagan religions. In Wicca, a pagan grove is set up for teaching reasons (a Wiccan High Priestess and High Priest head up this grove). The primary activities taking place at the Grove are varied and expansive entertainment, such as an elaborate Grove Play (once known as "High Jinks") and musical comedies ("Low Jinks") — where female roles are played by men in drag — produced by the members and associate members of the Club. Thus, the majority of common facilities are entertainment venues, interspersed among the giant redwoods. This is wild of course. The sleeping quarters or camps are scattered throughout the Grove. The Bohemian Grove Action Network protested the Grove for its secrecy, sexism, and elite connections. Now, the problem with this group is that the “The Order of Death” movie (which was created by Alex Jones and his team) exposed the Bohemian Grove Action Network of being a bunch of New Age witches. They did ceremonies to stop evil spirits, but Wicca is still a worship of Nature. Nature isn’t God. God is God that created Nature. There’s a difference. Also, the Bohemian Grove Action Network are in the left/right paradigm (In other words, they believe that It’s the Republicans vs. the Democrats when it’s bigger than that. Both major parties are funded by the same people).
Though no woman has ever been given full membership in the Bohemian Club, the small number of female honorary members includes Ina Coolbrith (who served as librarian for the Club), Elizabeth Crocker Bowers and Sara Jane Lippincott. Such honorary members and other women guests have been allowed into the Bohemian "City Club" building and as daytime guests of the Grove, but not to the upper floors of the City Club nor as guests to the main summer encampment at the Grove. Annual "Ladies' Jinks" were held at the Club especially for spouses and invited guests. The Bohemian Grove is so sexist that the Court system in 1987 forced the Grove to have women as workers in the summer encampment. There is a flyer, which was obtained by Alex Jones and Jon Ronson, that seems to depict a baby having been sacrificed in the Cremation of Care fire. It’s interesting to note that many professors and other academia from Stanford and U.C. Berkeley Universities (which reside in California) are member of the Bohemian Grove. David Michael Kelley, David Beaven Abernethy, and others are members from Stanford. Walter Alvarez, Jesse H. Choper, Charles Faulhaber, and others are from U.C. Berkeley. Even Kenneth W. Starr form the faculty of Pepperdine University is from the Bohemian Grove. Starr is famous for his prosecution against Bill Clinton for lying under oath. Newt Gingrich and even Danny Glover are famous Bohemian Grove participants as well.
There is nothing new under the sun
Clearly, we find of the Bohemian Grove that:
1. Many occult/Druid like rituals occur there like the Cremation of Care. This is definitely a sick form of idolatry.
2. The Bohemian Grove have some of the most powerful people in American Government.
3. The Grove have prostitutes of both sexes to service the members. Many of the members are married. Even if they aren’t married having sex with prostitutes is immoral and very risky for a person’s health.
4. The Bohemian Grove incorporate much secrecy in their total agendas and rituals. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, said to keep nothing secret and don’t swear oaths. Jesus said "in secret have I done nothing" (John 18:20). Only the wicked use secrecy as an illegitimate means to shield their activities on a grand scale.
5. Much of the Bohemian Grove’s concepts were inspired by ancient pagan customs. To have a mock human sacrifice is definitely from the ancient Mysteries indeed. It goes back into ancient Babylon and ancient Greece even before the Druids. Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun.